Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Next Tuesday I will be on my way to Japan! Not sure I am looking forward to being in an airplane for over eleven hours but I am looking forward to the Camino Kumano Kodo. I will admit to being a bit terrified about the walk though. I have not trained for it and walking up and down mountains scares me.

Went into Emporia this morning to get my haircut. I met a friend for lunch afterwards and then met another friend to return some art pieces to her. I stopped at Wal-Mart to get a few things and at Bluestem to get chicken feed. After buying gas I headed home. I got a lot done in town on this trip.

Need to go out and mow for an hour but it is almost 100 degrees out right now and I am having trouble making myself go outside. It is to be cooler later this week so may skip today and do some inside chores instead.

Nicole got her electricity back a little after midnight last night. She lost most of what was in her refrigerator and freezer. She was thankful it came back on and she could get her house cooled down from 93 degrees. Trusting she got some sleep after the house cooled down last night. Not sure which is worse – no electricity or no water.

Made some hotel reservations yesterday. Still need reservations for two more nights in Osaka but we decided to wait and make them after we get there and before we leave for the Camino. If we like the place I have booked us for before the Camino we might stay there after the walk for two nights. We will return to the airport hotel for our last night in Japan as we have an early return flight on Sunday, August 13.

Tomorrow I want to do a packing trial to see where I am at in what I want to take and decide what I need to take out if necessary. The obvious thing to take out will be the snacks I purchased. I’m sure I have way too many of those. I made the same mistake on the Camino and ended up taking a lot of them out and leaving them in hotels my first couple of days on the trail. My carry on bag was too heavy to carry up three or four flights of stairs with all the bars I had in it. I also dumped other items that I found I wasn’t using.

I took eggs to town to try to sell and forgot about them. Anyone need eggs? I have five dozen extra. $3 a dozen.

Figured out I can print with my new printer using my phone but not my iPad. Things like this drive me crazy as I can’t figure out why I can’t print from my iPad. Thankful I figured out I can print from my iPhone.

Another hot day on the prairie. The official count down has begun. Japan are you ready for us in one week? All is well on the prairie.