Tuesday, July 11, 2023

I had another hard job of finding sleep last night. I finally fell asleep around 4:30 this morning. I really have come to dislike nights like that.

I gathered trash to take to the curb for pickup tomorrow. I had to use two carts to get it all down to the curb. At our next family meeting I need to teach the others how to recycle and see if that reduces the amount of trash we are generating.

I went down with Tagen to do chickens today. I hadn’t been down to see them for a couple of days. I had bought a whole watermelon for them and I needed to show Tagen how to throw it on the ground so it will break open. Watermelon helps keep the chickens hydrated when it is so hot outside. I ordered another one on my grocery order for this week. May need to make it two as the hot weather is headed our way and is going to stay awhile. We only got two eggs today so no more layers yet.

I got Ellexia and I checked in for our cruise. Their website was having issues and it took a couple of tries to get all the information to them they wanted. I need to type up a letter to have Tim and Michelle sign giving me permission to travel with Ellexia and giving me medical power of attorney for the time we will be gone. They both need to sign it and have it notarized.

Tagen went in and lifted weights this morning. He is having to use my car as his is not working and we haven’t gotten the pickup fixed yet either. Tim is hoping to get the wheels and tires on it today or tomorrow so we can get it towed and this process started.

I am fixing chicken strips and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight. They are one of Tagen’s favorites and I am guessing will be a weekly menu item while he is here. They are easy to fix so I am good with that.

Tomorrow night we are having spaghetti and meat balls which is a request from Ellexia. She will be here for dinner only tomorrow night. That is another menu item that I get to fix weekly for the kiddos.

I love fixing dinner for them as long as I know what to serve. Every night at dinner I ask them to tell me what they want the next night. Once that decision is made, the rest is easy.

I need to go to Emporia tomorrow to pick up my grocery order. The Walmart website was having issues and wouldn’t let me add things to my order today. I had to create a second order that I will pick up at the same time. I hope this workaround works. First time I have had trouble with the website.

No plans for the weekend. Hoping to get lots of loads hauled to the barn. This weekend will be a bit cooler than the forecast after that so would like to take advantage of that and get some things moved for Michelle. We shall see what happens.

Sitting in a good head space. Sure wishing I could figure out why my sleep is an issue again. I got used to sleeping well and am not handling this not sleeping thing well. I bet it is due to my schedule and routine change but not sure if there is something else behind it too.

Grateful I finally got some sleep last night, grateful I know what I am fixing for dinner tonight and tomorrow night, and grateful Ellexia and I are checked in for our cruise.