Tuesday, January 3, 2023

This has not been one of my better days.  I went to bed at 5:00 last night and slept until midnight.  Then I was up until 4:30.  I got two more hours of sleep and got up at 6:30.

I felt totally drained this morning.  I think the drama of the last two weeks caught up with me and I needed a slow-down day to help my body, mind and spirit get caught up with each other.

I went to Emporia this morning to deposit a rent check and I stopped at Reeble’s North to get some things for Saturday.  They had everything that Walmart had been out of.  On the way home, I stopped and picked up Ellexia and brought her home with me for the day.

Ellexia helped me make a big batch of Chex Mix for Saturday.  It is a family tradition that the kids each get a bag of Chex Mix for part of their Christmas present.

I sent a message to my Endocrinologist that I needed a prescription refill.  The same nurse screwed it up yet again.  She sent a prescription for the wrong medication with the wrong dosage again.  I called the office and had to wait for over 15 minutes to get to talk to someone.  By then I was so angry I was crying.  The nurse that answered the phone was competent, unlike the nurse that sent the wrong prescription.  This nurse fixed it and promised to inform my Doctor about the mix up.  I told the nurse that if this happens again I am changing Doctors.  I don’t know how they can call in the wrong medication at the wrong dosage every time I need a refill.  It has happened at least four times in a row now – and it may be five times.  The nurse gave me a direct line for their office so I shouldn’t have to wait on hold so long next time.

When I take Ellexia home this evening I will stop and pick up the prescription.  I hope they gave me several months worth so I don’t have to go through this again next month.

I haven’t gotten anything else done today.  It has definitely been a rest and recovery day for me.  Guess with what all has gone on around here the last couple of weeks, I was due for a day like today. I kinda crashed and burned today.

I got a call from the lady that manages the AARP tax program.  I told her I would love to help with taxes this year.  Not sure when the training will be but I’m excited she called and look forward to doing taxes.  Trusting Covid doesn’t shut us down again this year.

Some days are easier than others.  This has been one of the hard ones.  I’m tired, cranky and ready to bite someone’s head off.  And this too shall pass.

Ellexia and I noticed the barn door was open so we walked down to see why.  We were caught a bit off guard when we walked outside.  The temperature must have dropped 10 degrees and with the wind it was a cold walk down to the barn.  Phil had come back for another load from the barn.  He will have one more load after this one.  He will end up hauling away six pickup and six trailers full of Jim’s leftover stuff.  So grateful it is going away and I didn’t have to find a pickup and haul it away myself.

Trusting tomorrow will be a better day and I will get some things done.  Christmas is Saturday for my family and I have a list of things that need to get done before then.  May have to revisit my list and see what can not get done.  Today was not the day to push myself to do something I wasn’t in the mood to do.

Grateful Ellexia came out to play with me today, grateful I found a competent nurse to fix the mistake the other nurse made, and grateful another load of stuff left the property today.