Tuesday, January 28, 2025

I am working to do a random act of kindness each day to counteract all the chaos that is happening in the bigger world. Today two different people did a random act of kindness for me.

I went to Costco to do a major restocking of stable items. I had a full cart and wanted to get four cases of bottled water. I decided I would check out and then go back and get the water as I didn’t think I could pull two carts full of stuff through the store.

When I checked out the guy checking me out was most pleasant. He said he hoped he would see me again at the end of our transaction and I said you will. I need to take this stuff to the car and then come back and get four cases of water. He said we can go get that for you. He sent the bagger guy to get the water for me and the checker added the water to my bill.

When the guy came up with the cart full of water I reached out to take the cart from him. He said after you. He followed me to the car and put the water in the back of my car for me.

I had dreaded loading the water into the cart and then unloading it and putting it in the car. Those cases are heavy and I struggle to get them out of the cart. Wow! That was easy! I told the guy that he made my day and I appreciated his act of kindness.

After I got home I had to unload the water and carry it in the house. I so appreciated that I only had to lift and carry the water once today instead of three times. I wonder if the guy realizes how much he helped me today and how much I appreciated his extra effort.

Sitting with a grateful heart this afternoon. Mr. Rodgers always said to look for the helpers in times of crisis. I found two of them today. They are all around us if we notice.

I am still in the process of putting everything away. This small house is a challenge to find storage space for things. Space is here, I just have to put on my thinking cap and find creative places for things. It feels good to be stocked back up.

The thermometer on my car said it was 59 when I got in my car after the Costco adventure. Wow! What a wonderfully warm day for the end of January in Kansas. It is to stay warm through the weekend and then another mild cold front comes in next week.

Tomorrow I have to go to Emporia for another tax training class. Before class I need to stop and have a blood draw in preparation of my annual visit to my Endocrinologist next Monday. I like having the blood draw prior to the visit so we can discuss results at the visit.

I keep reminding myself that fear and confusion is the objective to the national agenda right now. Once people fall into fear and confusion they stop thinking rationally and become unregulated. People that are unregulated are easier to manipulate and control. We all have to find ways to stay regulated and find ways to resist, each in our own way. Small acts of kindness is one way. It keeps you regulated and helps others rise up too. Wonder what the world would be like if we all could do that?

Grateful to be on the receiving side of some random acts of kindness today, grateful for this unusually warm winter day, and grateful we can change the world through acts of kindness.