Sitting here contemplating the mystery of the universe. There has been a series of events that have transpired over the last two weeks that has me sitting in wonder in the ways the universe works.
This all started back when my driveway got blown shut with snow. I got stuck and my dear neighbors pulled me out. I have been parking in the barn ever since. I had some high school boys dig out the driveway the next day. I hadn’t had a reason to get out so my car was left parked in the barn.
Jason came home the night the high school boys had cleared the driveway and needed to get into the garage to unload his car. Since he could get into the garage, it made it easy for him to unload his car.
The next day we had high winds again after Jason left for work. The driveway blew shut again and so we have been parking in the barn since. I was lucky I had left my car in the barn that day and Jason had gotten out before the wind picked up.
I have a tooth that has been hurting for the last four days. I got an emergency dental appointment this morning for noon. They called me around 9:30 to see if I could come in at 11:30. Around 10:45 I got real anxious and knew I needed to leave early for town. I got things ready and went down to the barn to get in my car.
When I walked in the barn I could hear water running. Both Kathy and Jason had been in the barn this morning to get their cars and neither one had heard any water running. I thought the water to the barn was turned off. I found the water pump in the barn furnace room had broke open and water was pouring onto the floor. Luckily there is a floor drain in that room. I checked the turn off valve above the pump and it was off. I went back up to the house to make sure the water to the barn was turned off – it was.
I called the plumber and he was available to head my way. I headed to Emporia and got to the dentist right on time! While I was in town, the plumber texted me to tell me he got it turned off and all is well.
Sitting here shaking my head at the series of things that had to have happened so I could be in the barn to hear the water running. I rarely go into the barn and would not have discovered a water leak for a long time but since the driveway was blown close, I had to go into the barn to get my car. I had time to deal with the water emergency since I had left early. The plumber was able to come out immediately. Wow! It really felt like someone had my back this morning.
I have to have a possible root canal done in Lenexa either later today or tomorrow. I am waiting on a call from their office to let me know when to come. There is a possibility that they won’t be able to do one and if not, I will have to have the tooth pulled by the oral surgeon in Emporia.
My neighbors showed up again and he is using his pickup to knock down a path through the snow covered part of the driveway. I am being taken care of today by the universe with a little help from some angels on earth! Thanks Mike and Jaque!
My dentist told me to take 4 ibuprofen every four hours until I can get the tooth taken care of. She said that was a prescription size dose and not to do that for long but it wouldn’t hurt for the next day or two. Trusting the office in Lenexa will call me soon and get me set up for either later today or tomorrow. I’m getting hungry as it has been a challenge to eat.
I will remember this day for a long time. I love noticing the synchronicities that happen when you least expect them to. It reminds me that there is a greater level of things going on around me than my little brain can wrap itself around. Even with two emergencies happening today I really feel guided and protected and taken care of by a greater force.
Grateful for neighbors that help me out over and over, grateful I caught the water leak quickly and it got resolved, and grateful I was able to get to a dentist today and a solution to the pain is on it’s way.