Tuesday, January 17, 2023

It has been a quiet day on the prairie.  I haven’t talked to anyone yet today and doubt that I do.  The quiet feels peaceful to my soul today.

I did four training modules that I needed to get done by tomorrow evening’s tax prep class.  I still need to do some more work but am struggling to figure out where to find what I need so I can do it.  There are five different sites we use for the training process.  All five take different passwords and user names in addition to the user name you use to open the Chromebook.  Wonder if they can make this any more difficult?  It took me almost an hour to figure out how to open one of the sites.  By then, I was over it and couldn’t do the homework.  I forgot how challenging the training part of doing taxes is.  It is much harder than the actual taxes themselves.  Not sure why they train us on things we won’t encounter.

I’ll try again tomorrow morning to get through the next set of modules that I am to have done before class tomorrow night.  I think I can, I think I can.  Maybe tomorrow it will go easier for me.

I sanded the top of the desk and put the first coat of paint on it to see if I like the color.  I wish I had gotten the darker shade but what I got will work.  I’m not sure what I am doing with sanding as I haven’t done that before.  Don’t know if I should sand a bit more or if what I am doing is enough.  I will continue how I did the top and see what the outcome is.  I need to sand the legs and then paint those and then I will do the bookcase.

I did 45 minutes on the bike today.  It was a bit more of a struggle but I powered through.  The book I started is a good one and that helps distract me from the challenge of the hard cycle on the bike.  The time seemed to go fairly fast today but my legs got a bit tired towards the end.  That is a good thing, I think.  Means I am working them hard.

I listened to a video on Co-Dependencies this afternoon.  They listed 13 traits that co-dependent people have.  I was pleased to see that many of the things I used to do but no longer do.  It makes so much sense to me now why these traits were present in me.  The self-work I have done has helped me grow.  I still have a few traits that were on the list that I will continue to be aware of and change my relationship with.  I love discovering things about myself that I was blind to before.  The biggest hurdle to creating change within myself is seeing what needs to be changed.

Tomorrow I go back for more tax training in Emporia at 5:15.  Hoping it only lasts an hour or so this time so I can get home and have dinner before 7:00.  I don’t like to eat that late but eating before I go to training is too early.  Last night I didn’t get home until after 8:00.

Grateful to learn new traits about myself, grateful for the self-discovery that has already happened, and grateful half of my tax homework is done.