Sophia had a restless night and so did we. I put her outside at 3:00. Roxy decided to go out too. An hour later Sophia was barking and wanted in. Roxy stayed outside. Sophia wanted back out an hour later. Rinse and repeat all night and it makes for little sleep.
I had to get up and get going to be in town at 9:00 to do taxes. All but one showed up but it felt like a slow day. Most of the returns were simple ones and didn’t take much time. I was able to get Kathy’s taxes done and they got filed today.
I met Jason for lunch after I was done doing taxes. It was nice to get to spend some time with him. I hadn’t seen him for a few so it was nice to see him and get caught up with what is happening with him.
I am working on getting some laundry done this afternoon. Haven’t done much else. I didn’t get a lot of sleep and sure could take a nap.
I have to go to Emporia tomorrow and do an extra tax shift. This is a make-up day from last week when the Senior Center was closed due to the snow and cold. I will go again Thursday. Lots of trips to town today.
Since I have to go to town tomorrow I decided not to buy groceries until then. There wasn’t anything I needed tonight so decided to wait till tomorrow to get groceries.
Doing my best to not fall asleep in my chair. I will hopefully manage to stay awake and go to bed early tonight. I have gotten into a bad habit of staying up late and sleeping in late and need to get back to a better schedule.
My quiet week has gotten full. Three days of doing taxes and a lunch to go to on Friday. At least next weekend is empty and I will have a couple of quiet days at home again.
Grateful for lunch with Jason, grateful for a warm, beautiful spring like day, and grateful for a quiet afternoon at home.