Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Had another night of very little sleep. If I managed to fall asleep, I didn’t stay asleep very long. Doubt if I got more than two hours total last night. It has been a long day! Both Kathy and Nicole told me today that they didn’t sleep well last night either. Something is going on that is pulling us all off center. Curious minds want to know what!

Got two huge trash bags full of trash taken down with the usual load of trash today. Some came out of the garage and some of it came out of the barn. I will continue to fill a couple bags a week until I get rid of what needs to go. Feels good to get that process started.

The girls gave me 22 eggs today. Two were in the nesting boxes laying when I was gathering eggs. If I had waited, I might have gotten 24 eggs today. Wow! That would have set a new record for this group of hens.

I got hold of the EFIS repair guy today. He has to go to Wichita next week and said he would stop by and look at the project so when they get ready to do it there won’t be a delay. I sure hope that project gets done soon. I am so tired of dealing with this hail damage restoration that started way back last August. I’m grateful he is actually coming to look at it. He bid it using pictures I had sent him and measurements the window guy provided. Once he gets that done I can have the guttering guys come and then I can close out this insurance claim.

I’ve been in negotiations on the contract most of the day. I think we are close to getting a document to sign. What a relief that will be when that happens. It still may happen today. Once I get the contract signed I will spill the beans and let everyone know what is going on behind the scenes in my life.

The John Deere people were to have delivered the mower this morning but so far they haven’t shown up. They did this last time it was in for service too. After about a month of waiting for it, I had to call and remind them they still needed to deliver it. That is why I try to get it taken care of early so it gets home before I need it.

Still need to do my 15 minutes of exercise for the day. I was going to do them before I ate lunch but I forgot so now need to wait for lunch to settle a bit before I do them. My tummy has been feeling a bit off today and I don’t want to give it a reason to go gangster on me anymore than it is already. I was not sore at all when I woke up this morning from the exercise I did yesterday. Hooray for that. That was one of my biggest concerns with this program and that didn’t happen.

Jason was impressed with what they had done with me yesterday at exercise. He said most injuries happen when people jump in too hard and fast when they are beginning an exercise program. He really liked that they took it slow and gentle. I will have to find some patience with this program and trust that what I am doing will pay dividends for me down the line.

Tomorrow will be a long day in town. I will be doing taxes at the Senior Center from 9:00 – 12:00. I have exercise at 3:30 and then another tax shift at the Credit Union from 5:00 – 8:00. I have a couple of errands to run in between so not sure if I will come home for a bit or not. We will see how long the errands take.

Other than exercise at home on Thursday and in Emporia on Friday, I don’t have anything on my calendar for the rest of the week after tomorrow. It will be good to have several quiet days at home. I have some things I need to work on and that will give me several days to get a good start on them.

Sitting in a good place mentally today. There has been a lot going on but I have managed to stay on top of most of it so far and not let it pull me off center. Sure hoping I get a good night’s sleep tonight. It is hard to think straight when I am sleep deprived and now is not a good time for me to miss something.

It has been a beautiful day on the prairie, although it has been a touch windy. We have hit 63 so far today and the forecast only called for 37. I’ll take 63 over 37 any day!

Grateful for no muscle soreness today, grateful for a beautiful spring-like day, and grateful the clean out garage and barn project got started.