Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The rooster was back in the coop with the girls when I went down this afternoon. Not sure how he figured out how to get back in and not sure I am glad or not. He had to fly over the fence. There are small openings around the coop that doesn’t have fencing over the top. He might be smarter than I give him credit for. He completely avoided me today. Maybe he learned his lesson. Not going to hold my breath!

The girls gave me 12 eggs on this cold, snowy day. We got enough snow to cover the ground but as it warmed up this afternoon, most of it has melted away already although it continues to snow off and on. This is the type of snow I like – beautiful to watch come down and then it melts away quickly.

Got the Chex Mix made today. Now when the grandkids request some, I have it ready to go. I may see them Thursday when I watch Cody. They like to come out and play with him. We shall see what the roads are like and if they come or not.

Kathy got brave and went to Emporia today. She said the roads were OK. I need to go in tomorrow and go to the Chiropractor and then I need to stop at the Vet and get the dogs and cat their quarterly meds. Not sure I need any groceries.

I also need to go to Strong City and dump recycling and stop at Clarks and check on the bill for repairing the rental house’s sewer pipe. I haven’t gotten a bill yet and not sure how that works with them. I also need a couple of heat lamp bulbs – one for the dogs and one for the chickens when it gets really cold.

I got my Christmas decorations put away. All I had out were the Christmas cards people had sent me so it took me a whole minute to clean that up. So grateful I didn’t put a tree up this year and have to take it down. I don’t enjoy taking decorations off the tree – don’t really enjoy putting them on either but that is easier than taking them off.

Got two loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away today. Took the trash down although I am not sure if they are picking it up tomorrow or Thursday. The mail wasn’t here yet when I went down with the trash. The mail carrier must be dodging high water spots on the country roads.

Anyone else confused as to what day of the week it is? Today feels like Monday to me with the holiday yesterday. It will be screwed up again next week too with January 1 on a Monday. One of these days I will get oriented as to day of week. Hope I have it figured out before I do my memory test with KU in January. One of the questions they usually ask is what day of the week and month is it. I have a hard time keeping that straight these days. Hazard of being retired – everyday is about the same and I don’t have to watch a calendar much.

Still feeling that pit in my stomach but it has gotten smaller and less noticeable. I’m still struggling with sticking with anything for very long and can’t seem to remember what needs to be done. Still trusting that it will all be better after the 29th which is the day my divorce was final a year ago. Holding body memories from that time last year when I was in a state of shock and had fallen far down the rabbit hole. It is amazing how far I have come in one year and trust I will continue to climb even higher.

Grateful (I guess) that the rooster made his way home last night, grateful for the moisture on the prairie, and grateful for the beautiful snow that is falling (especially since it is melting quickly).