I passed my Death Doula final. Yay! When I got to the sheet that I report my hours, I read it carefully and found out that I have already met their requirements. So that class is done!
I will do an end-of-life care plan with a client Friday and then I will be able to graduate from the Care Specialist class too! Feels good to have that class almost done too.
Finally figured out a solution with the people that provide the TROPP form. They have a booklet that includes a copy of the TROPP form, the living will form and the Medical Power of Attorney form along with instructions on how to complete them. It will be perfect for my work with my clients and will keep me from having to make copies of the forms. They are to ship it out today and I should have it later this week. Grateful that worked out the way it did.
I haven’t heard from Hospice in Emporia yet. I called them yesterday morning and they haven’t returned my call yet. Maybe I am not to volunteer there? We shall see. I don’t need the hours now but I would enjoy the experience. Maybe another path will open for me instead.
Now I need to give some thought as to how I will find clients. I am doing a presentation at the Emporia Senior Center sometime in September or October. I have a press release of sorts that I could write up but who reads paper newspapers anymore? I am working on making a Facebook page with my services on it. I’ll get that up and going this week and see if that brings any clients in.
If anyone wants to work with me, give me a shout. I’m looking for lots of clients to practice on – you don’t have to pay. It is something that feels heavy to think about doing but it feels so good when it is done. If you change your mind later, you can always change your end-of-life care plans.
I pulled weeds around the swing set this morning while it was still damp and cool out. The weeds pulled easy and the swing set looks much nicer. I picked a few more tomatoes while I was down in the back yard. I may need to mow later this week. That little bit of rain caused the grass to grow a bit again.
I cleaned the very tops of the kitchen cabinets as well as the six pendant lights in the kitchen and dining room today. Jim acted like a nervous Nellie while I was doing it. Sometimes he is overprotective of me. Next time I clean them, I will do it when he isn’t home.
Tomorrow I have my annual physical. I think it will probably be a waste of time. Physicals sure aren’t what they used to be.
Need to give some thought about what to fix Jim for dinner. I have some hamburger thawed so need to use that up. I get stuck on ideas and end up making the same thing over and over again.
Grateful one class is complete and I am certified as a Death Doula, grateful the light fixtures and tops of the cabinets are cleaned, and grateful for Meteor Showers that put me in Awe of the mysteries and beauty of the Universe.