Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Made a fast trip up and back to KC today. I had lunch with Nicole at Chipolte. We then went to Victoria’s Secret so I could be fitted for the proper size bra. I don’t think I have ever been in that store before. I was wearing a bra size that is four inches too big around and several cup sizes too small. Oh my! I got those puppies back up north where they belong.

Nicole and I made a quick trip to Costco. After that I took Nicole to her house and then I drove home. One of two reasons to go to KC was to take Nicole the new back pack I had bought to use on the Camino in Spain and decided not to use. Of course I forgot it. Am going to have to figure out a way to get it to her by mid-week next week. If I only had a brain!

Came home to find the envelopes to the Pioneer Bluffs Newsletter had arrived. Kathy was already working on stuffing them. We are half way done and have stopped for a bit to take a break. I want to do one more box tonight and then I will only have one box to do in the morning. Sure helps to have a helper.

What a beautiful day outside today. Kathy had turned the air off today and opened the windows. There was a nice breeze blowing in while we were stuffing envelopes. I much prefer the windows open to having the A/C on when it is cool enough to do so. I have gotten used to the dust that blows in when the windows are open.

Need to get back to stuffing. At least when I do the Newsletter I feel like I have accomplished something. Most days I can’t seem to figure out what I did all day.

It is a beautiful day on the prairie today. All is well.