Tuesday, April 17, 2018 Part Two

Went to Emporia for my 10:30 Doctor’s appointment.  They were running over 30 minutes behind.  The Doctor finally came in around 11:15.  He agreed to order the Echocardiogram, Holter Monitor and a anti-coagulant.  I waited in the room for another twenty minutes while his staff worked to figure out how to get those tests ordered. Finally a nurse from the Cardiology Department came and got me to take me to the room where they could get the Holter Monitor connected up.

There were three nurses from Topeka down for the day working with three nurses from the 2nd floor Doctor’s office in the room with me.  Took them over one and one half hours to do the paperwork so they could place the heart monitor on me.  Evidently they still use the old system from before the Doctor’s office merged with Cotton O’Neil.  Took three different people to figure out how to get it to work right.

I have to carry a phone they provided with me at all times.  I have already pulled off one of the leads.  The phone beeps at me when I do that.  I was able to reattach it.

Tomorrow afternoon I go in and have the echocardiogram done.  They will check then to see if the heart monitor recorded an “event”.  If so, I will return the heart monitor to a company via UPS.   If not, they will have me continue to wear it for another 24 hours.

Got home a little after 1:15 and didn’t do anything else in Emporia.  I need to get a prescription picked up but my insurance company needed more information before they would approve it and I decided to get it tomorrow since I have to go to town then anyway.

Medical paperwork!  I had my fill of it today and the delays it causes.

The Doctor gave me a discount card to use in filling the new prescription.  I called and got that verified and now need to call the pharmacy and let them know about it. It may help get the insurance to approve the drug.  The other drug requires lots of blood tests and since I am going to be gone for two weeks during the time I am on it the doctor decided not to use that one.

I did get a note back from my Endocrinologist saying my thyroid medication and levels are really good and no adjustment is needed.  She didn’t think the Atrial Flutter was caused by my thyroid.

I had scheduled a meeting with a fellow board meeting from Pioneer Bluff’s to do a little project for tomorrow afternoon.  Luckily she is available to come this afternoon instead so we can get that project done. We were to present a proposal at the May Board meeting but I will be in Italy then so she will have to do it alone.

I was in Atrial Flutter off and on all morning but of course now that I have the Holter on it has stopped.  Maybe that is how I fix this issue!  Not sure I want it to come back but if it is going to continue to return I hope it does while I have the Holter on.

Man!  Tired of these medical situations.  I kinda liked my peace and quiet and easy living.  At least I was able to get these tests done much quicker than I expected.  Trusting this issue will get resolved rather quickly and easily.