Thursday, September 8, 2022

It has been a productive day of sorts on the prairie today.  Jim had a doctor’s appointment this morning so we were both up early.  While Jim was in Emporia at the doctors, I got on the phone and talked with my bank for over an hour.  I finally have access to all my accounts.

Last night I loaded and ran the software that checked my computer for malware.  The bank required me to do that before they could give me access to on-line banking information.

The lady I spoke to today was wonderful.  She clearly explained all that they are doing and will be doing for the next 90 days.  Four new accounts got opened and funds transferred to them.  New debit cards and checks have been ordered.  The bank will monitor the old accounts and cover any withdrawals or deposits that come in that I can’t get stopped and transfer money accordingly to the new accounts.

I was given the new checking account number so I could start notifying the companies that I have set up to do auto billing with.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have much success with that project as most request the credit/debit card information and won’t accept the checking account info.  There is an order to changing everything that I have to follow due to restrictions like that.  Each company does things differently.  I’m trying to make a list of what I am doing and where I am with each of them so when the credit/debit cards come in I can  go back and try again.

I purchased a new password manager program to use but am struggling to learn how to use it.  As I checked the different accounts I started using the new password manager and change the password to a much longer one than the ones I had been using.  I ran into some walls though.  I changed it for one of the companies using the password manager first.  I carefully copied and pasted the new password and when I finally found the correct spot to change the password, I copied it in.  It wouldn’t accept the new password because it had too many symbols.  Dang!  This is complicated.  I then had to go back to the password manager and change the new password back to the old one.  I may have said something naughty.

I have over 20 accounts to repeat this process with.  Maybe by the end of it I will figure this thing out and the process will go smoother for me.

At noon today we went to the Grand and met the Democrat running against Jerry Moran for KS Senator.  We both really liked him and his moderate approach.  I’m not sure he has much of a chance to win but we will do a bit of volunteering for him and see if we can get him there.  His focus is on the younger voters and disenfranchised voters that came out in support of the defeat of the Amendment proposal in August.  If they all would vote for him, he might have a chance.

Jim took me to Emporia this afternoon so I could drop off a letter we had gotten from the IRS at my accountant’s office.  My taxes had to be amended and the IRS was confused about what the accountant had done.  I also had to deposit a rent check and give a bank the police report file number so they could put an alert on my rental properties checking account.

I took a two-hour nap this afternoon.  I had woken up during the night and I was very disoriented.  I didn’t know where I was.  I was up for about three hours before I got another hour of sleep.  The drama of the last couple days caught up with me this afternoon and I was wiped out.

I still need to get out and finish the mowing.  I will make our dinner and then go out and do that.  I got most of the mowing done yesterday so only have about 30 minutes or so to go.  It will be nice to get that job done.  This evening I may attempt a few more password changes and to see if I can have auto pay taken out of my checking account instead of a debit/credit card.

I need to spend some time and organize all the little pieces of paper I have taken notes on.  I must have 20 little notes scattered all over my desk and I need to figure out what is still important and get it recorded in a form I can easily find.  Way too many names, numbers and little bits of information that are all important but hard to find right now.

Tomorrow night we are meeting some friends and going out to dinner with them.  All four of us have had a tough week and it will be nice to take a break together and spend some time together.  Sometimes it helps to take a break from it all and have a spot of fun.

Grateful for my bank’s attention today, grateful for friends and their support, and grateful progress towards restoration is being made.