Thursday, September 7, 2023

I am sitting at the Minneapolis Airport waiting for my late afternoon flight to London. I’m lucky to be at an airport with lots of shops and food choices. I just ordered a pizza and will enjoy people watching for a bit. I have several hours to wait. Wonder if they have a bed I could rent for two hours so I could take a nap? I didn’t sleep very much last night.

I left home at 6:30 this morning. It was a smooth drive to Nicole’s house. Traffic backed up a bit around Olathe but otherwise wasn’t bad. I got a notice my Uber driver backed out but they found another one quickly and he picked me up right on time at 8:30.

He was a pleasant man and we had a nice conversation on the way to the airport. Very little traffic and I got to the airport just a little after 9:00.

The security line was short and moved quickly. I made it to my gate with an hour to spare. The lady at the boarding gate played a game called Who Has It? She would name an item and the first one to bring it to her gate got a prize. I had one of the items but it was in my carry-on bag and I didn’t want to open it. It made the wait fun and before I knew it I could board.

I saw lots of people in Detroit football gear at the KC airport. I am assuming KC is playing Detroit tonight?

The flight was jam packed. I was lucky to get to bring my bag on board as the people behind me in line had to check theirs. I was the last one on board with a carry on. There was a space for it just one row behind me.

We landed on time and the de-boarding was the most civilized I have seen for a bit. The guy behind me handed me my bag. A guy earlier had helped me get the lid off my bottle of water. Sometimes it helps to look old!

I keep thinking of all the things I would be doing if I was at home. Not sure I tied up all the loose ends I could but thinking all will wait for me until I get home. I made one last sack lunch for Tagen before I left this morning. He is on his own for the next three weeks.

We had a fun dinner and birthday party for Michelle last night. We had a bit of a family meeting with all so I could give instructions for the week. The kiddos agreed to take care of the dogs and cat and help Kathy do dishes. We shall see if they remember to – I trust Kathy won’t get stuck doing all the chores.

Still not feeling the excitement of going on this trip. My head is still too full of things that have been going on at home. I will continue to let it go and get into the spirit of this adventure. Once I land in London, I trust the excitement will kick in and I will enjoy this adventure.

Grateful to have this chance to get away and see new sights, grateful the first leg of this adventure went very smoothly, and grateful for some quiet, relaxing time this afternoon.