Thursday, September 6, 2018

Went to Topeka this morning to get some things that are on my list.  Looked for a swimming suit but didn’t find anything in my size to try on.  May have waited too long and will have to order one on-line.  I did find two dresses at Old Navy.  Got two t-shirt dresses to wear as pajamas.  I got tired of shopping and quit.

Went to the Kansas Corporate Commission to listen to them rule on a complaint that had been filed against them.  They have not been following the law during their permit process.  Of course they decided it didn’t matter and nothing will be done about it.  Funny I didn’t hear an apology or a promise to do better in the future from them.  I did notice that the Commissioners did not look anyone in the audience in the eye while the complaint response was read.  One could almost feel the shame flowing off of them.  I think they have been bought out!

There was a baby in the audience that started fussing just as the guy started reading the response.  It was as if the baby knew it was bullshit and wasn’t going to stay silent.

There were about 35 – 45 people in the audience watching the hearing.  They brought in two Capital Police in case we decided to get loud and protest.  The audience was very respectful and quiet after the hearing was over.  Lots of eye rolling though.

Dumped my rain gauge out this morning.  It had almost two inches in it.  The most I have dumped out so far this year.  More rain is in the forecast for the next two days then it is to dry out for a week or so.  I will need to mow when the water puddles disappear.

When I got home I picked up the material so I can get the Pioneer Bluffs Newsletter put together.  Guess I know what I am going to do tomorrow!

Found out one of my long-term boarders will be available to house sit for me the whole time I am in Australia.  That makes it easy for me.  One more thing crossed off my to-do list.

Haven’t heard from the match guy from CO.  He may decide not to respond.  I had ask him to give himself some time to think it through before he responded if he chose to do so.  That chapter of my life may be over – hopefully!

The guy from KS hasn’t responded to my second email yet so not sure where that is going.  Another guy from Manhattan messaged me but the conversation was not deep.  I got another message from him late last night that was full of spelling errors – have a feeling he was drunk messaging.  Think I will end that one before it goes any further.

I am grateful for the lessons on-line dating is providing me.  I have learned several things about myself and I always like when that happens.  Found a couple more ranges that I was stuck in and am giving them some attention so I can open them up a bit.  Still not sure if I am ready to take on a serious relationship.  I enjoy my empty space alone.  I do miss hugs and someone to have deep conversations with and someone who makes me laugh at life.

Grateful for political activist that call out the corruption that is in our political system, grateful for a service project to do this weekend, and grateful for the way life provide me opportunities to learn more about myself.