Thursday, October 25, 2018

A rainy day on the prairie today.  Good napping weather so I took a nap this afternoon.  I wsan’t tired but had nothing else to do.  I didn’t expect to fall asleep but I did.  Lazy type of day!

Went into Emporia this morning to run a few errands and get some groceries.  Couldn’t find the wine I was looking for.  I have to go to Topeka tomorrow to have an Ultrasound done so will look there for it there.  The liquor store owner had never heard of the wine I was looking for.  Maybe a bigger city will have a wider selection.

Tim let me know Ellexia has a music program tonight.  I will probably run into town to see that.  It is hard to get out of the house though with the rain.  I’ll see what I decide to do.  I’ll need to leave in about 30 minutes if I am going.

My Marine spent the day at home as he got rained out of work today,  He took a nap this afternoon too.  He had ripped a tear in one of the pockets of his tool belt and I suggested he take it in to Bruce to have him repair it.  I was going to take it in today for him but since he was home he did it.  Bruce did a nice job fixing the tear.  Love local service shops like his.  We might not have fancy wines but we have better service shops than the big cities do.

Got four loads of laundry done today.  My student isn’t coming out tonight so got her sheets washed up for the week.  I’ll pull the sheets off my Marine’s bed tomorrow morning.  Not sure what his plans are for the weekend.  His wife is coming here for the weekend and sometimes they stay home all day on the weekends and sometimes they are out and about.  This way I will have that job done for the week.

I leave for New Zealand a week from tomorrow.  Time to get serious about getting my list of things I need to do before I leave done.  I need to get five bags of chicken feed and four bags of dog food this weekend.  It takes a bit of time to get the chicken feed put into the containers I use to carry in down to the coop as needed.  Not my favorite job to do so I have been procrastinating.  Time to get it done.

Need to get the chore list written up too so everyone knows what they need to do.  I have a rough draft started so that won’t take too long to complete.

I had ordered two more pair of trail pants and they came in Wednesday.  I was able to get to the box before the dogs did this time.  They fit as did the two blouses I ordered.  Now I have everything I need so just have to fit everything into the suitcase.  Looks like rain is in the forecast most days there so will have to take my rain coat. I can always wear it if it doesn’t fit in the suitcase.  I only take a carry-on so have to be careful how much stuff I take.

Sitting in a quiet space tonight.  My head is quiet and the monkeys in my brain must still be napping.  The air is fresh and clean from the rain.  I’ve had the fireplace on part of the day.  Cozy, lazy day on the prairie.  Just what my soul needed today.  I have a busy couple of days coming up and needed today to refill my soul.

Grateful for cozy, lazy days on the prairie, grateful for sleeping monkeys in my head, and grateful for an upcoming weekend full of possibilities and new experiences.