Thursday, October 19, 2023

Last night threw me a small plot twist. The pain I had in the afternoon in my kidney area continued to increase. Kathy and I decided I better go in and have it checked out. I thought I had a kidney stone.

The ER was not busy so they took me right back. They drew blood and put in an IV. After a wait of over an hour, the doctor comes in. He doesn’t think it is a kidney stone as I don’t look like I am in enough pain. He ordered a back X-ray.

The blood and urine work came back and didn’t show I had a kidney stone. It took about three hours before they came to get me to take me back to x-ray. The results of that came back within 30 minutes.

It showed some minor compression and the doctor concluded that I had a pinched nerve. They had given me some IV muscle relaxer and Tylenol. The pain diminished and I was able to go home.

While we were waiting for the doctor to come in and tell me the results of the blood and urine labs, I got on the hospital chart site and found the results myself. Love that you can do that!

We were there about four hours all together. Felt a bit silly for having gone in but I’m grateful it wasn’t a kidney stone.

I had a fun conversation with the X-ray lady. She had to take me to the X-ray machine in a wheelchair. I asked her how many steps she walked a day and she said it varied but she always managed to get at least 10,000 steps a day. I mentioned when I walked the Camino one day I had taken over 34,000 steps. That led to a discussion about the Camino, which she had heard about. She was a sweet lady and it was fun to talk about my experience.

I had trouble falling asleep once we got home. I got up around 2:00 and took a second bath and that did the trick. I sure was sleeping good when the alarm went off this morning at 7:00.

Cody came out a little before 8:00. He was very good today and we had a quiet day with him playing in the living room. I was not very high energy today but he was able to entertain himself. He didn’t have any melt downs today and seemed to have had a fun day.

I had a bit of trouble finding him some kid friendly food. I fixed a cheese quesadilla but he didn’t like that. I had some string cheese and he ate that. He asked me later for some ham but I didn’t have that. I did have some turkey and he said he would try that. He put pepper on it and ate it right up. Glad he found something he likes. All the kid friendly food is out of the house with the other kiddos gone.

The doctor prescribed some muscle relaxers for me so when Kathy got home from work she went to Emporia and picked those up for me. I haven’t taken one yet as the pain is almost gone. I might take one before I go to bed tonight and see if I can totally knock the pain away.

After Cody left at 4:00 I laid down and slept hard for about an hour. I’m still very tired but hoping that I will get a good night’s sleep tonight and be back to normal tomorrow.

Both Kathy and I were tired today. Poor Kathy had to go to work early this morning. She didn’t get much sleep last night either. She went to bed early tonight as she has to work tomorrow. I will head to bed early tonight too.

Still staying on my eating plan. I am eating two meals a day and then a snack and calling it good. Sure is easier only having to fix two meals a day instead of three. I don’t get hungry when I fast. My first three weeks on this plan I have lost eight pounds. I am betting the weight loss will slow down a bit but am pleased with what has happened so far. Lots more to come off but I am off to a good start.

Tomorrow I need to go to town and get chicken feed. Not sure if Tagen will play football tomorrow night or not since he missed a day of school this week. I may not go to the game anyways. It will depend on how tired I feel tomorrow.

No plans for the weekend. I have lots of cleaning that needs done if the mood strikes. I never have finished doing my fall deep clean in each room. I have a good start on it but need to get that finished up.

I didn’t do a lesson on boundaries today. With Cody here I didn’t have the time. I was too tired anyways. I will do one tomorrow. There are only eight lessons in this series and I am halfway done. Then I need to decide if I am going to take the full class or not.

Last night made me remember that I am so lucky to be in relatively good health. I need to start moving my body more and get into shape. At my age, I can’t take my good health for granted. I’m grateful I am back to eating on plan and taking off this weight again. Maybe 2024 will be the year that I get into shape. I need to find some exercise that I enjoy and make it part of my daily routine.

Next week I need to dig out my death doula material and refresh my memory on it. The health fair Kathy and I are going to have a booth at is the first Saturday of November and will be here very soon. I have lots of empty space on my calendar again next week so will have lots of time to prepare myself.

Grateful I didn’t have a kidney stone, grateful for the gentle care I received at the hospital, and grateful to have spent a day with Cody.