Happy birthday mom. She would have been 94 today. Hard to believe she has been gone 16 years. I think of her daily and am so very grateful for all the things she shared with me.
This has been a much better day. I slept most of yesterday. My temperature finally broke in the late evening. I was surprised I was able to sleep last night since I took three naps yesterday. It must have been a reaction to the RSV vaccine as what ever it was is gone today. Usually if I have a reaction to a vaccine it only lasts for about 24 hours.
Have gotten some cleaning done today. Am taking a short break and I will get back at it. I am working on the living room, dining room and kitchen today. Decided to wait on my bedroom as the company coming Saturday won’t go in there.
I have been decluttering my kitchen, dining room and living room. It amazes me how stuff piles up. I usually do a pretty good job of decluttering daily but for some reason had let stuff pile up. It feels so good to have empty tables and counter tops again.
I had gotten notice three weeks ago that one of the packages I had shipped from Ireland should be arriving and they gave me the tracking number. They said it would take three to four weeks to arrive so I kinda forgot about it. I saw the email today and clicked on it so I could track the package. To my surprise it said the package had been delivered October 4. I guessed it might me on my neighbor’s porch so I drove down there and there it was. It had been sitting out for over a week. Grateful we hadn’t gotten wind or rain. Grateful the package got here and everything is safe. Still waiting on one more package from Ireland to arrive. Most of the stuff in the packages are Christmas presents.
Sure hope the wind and clouds today blow in some rain. We only have a slight chance for some. Maybe I need to go to town and wash my car again. We sure need rain. Many locals have wells that have gone dry and are having to haul water. Time consuming, expensive and frustrating experience for them.
Still eating on plan. I am on a weight loss plateau this week. I remember from five years ago doing this. Frustrating but I have to trust the process. I will lose two or three pounds all at once and then not lose any more for another week or two. I sure feel better now that I am back on plan. Sure wish the weight would come off as fast as I can pack it on.
When I was walking the Camino I was in Santiago on this day eight years ago. My feet were absolutely trashed and hurting. However, something told me to make my way back to the Cathedral for noon mass. I am not a Catholic but there is something about churches that pulls me in. I got to the mass late but actually I was just on time as they just started swinging the Botafumeiro. It is not used in every mass and it was a special treat to get to see it. I was grateful I had listened to my inner guidance so I could see it.
I had planned my walk to leave KS on my birthday and to arrive in Santiago on my mother’s birthday. I actually arrived a day early but I stayed over till the 13th when I left for a week in Paris. It seemed fitting to bookend my trip with those dates.
Loving this empty space day. It feels like it has been ages since I have had one. I work a bit, sit for a bit, work some more and repeat. I am taking my time and doing a very deep clean and cleaning things I normally don’t stop to clean. The house is feeling lighter already.
Thinking of those in Israel and the innocent Palestinian that are caught in this mess. When will we as a nation learn that war and violence doesn’t ever solve a problem? My heart aches for all in danger and who’s lives are being disrupted and threatened. We all have more in common then we do differences. It is time to really see and hear each other and get over our personal preferences and judgements of those that have different ones. Personal preferences are not truth.
When I think about all the world’s problems I can get overwhelmed and depressed. I have to keep reminding myself that the best thing I can do for the world is to continue to do my own inner work. When I don’t show up full of love and light, I add to the world’s negative energy. When I am conscious and aware, I can stay above the neutral level on the chart of consciousness and help raise the vibration of all. Some days it just doesn’t feel like that is enough though. However, if everyone did that, the world would be a much better place.
Grateful what ever I had yesterday is gone today, grateful for the cleaning I have gotten done so far today, and grateful for the life and love of my mother.