Thursday, November 9, 2023

I got a bonus full day at home as Ellexia’s cheerleading got canceled for the day. Always grateful when I get to stay home all day.

Took the chickens some straw when I did chores today. As it gets colder I use the deep straw method to help keep them warmer. Every month during the cold months I add a thick layer of straw to their coop and don’t clean out the old stuff. They love having new straw put into the coop. They will spend the rest of the afternoon and most of the day tomorrow rearranging it to their liking. They are fun to watch do that.

Had a good conversation with a dear friend. We haven’t seen each other for a long time and needed to catch up with each other. The road to Manhattan opens November 22 so sometime shortly after that we will meet in Council Grove and have a long lunch together. Face-to-face is always more fun for me then over the phone.

Still working on finishing up cleaning my bedroom and bathroom. Last night I cleaned out my underwear and sock drawer. I threw away some socks that I didn’t like and won’t wear as well as some underwear that had long since seen better days. Got the bedside night stand drawers cleaned out. It feels so good to have those things cleaned out. I have a couple drawers in the bathroom that need cleaned out too. I don’t like cluttered drawers and not being able to find what I want immediately.

Tomorrow I have to be at Walmart at 11:20 to get the first of my shingles vaccine. I have the weekend free in case I have a reaction to it. Next thing on my calendar isn’t until Tuesday when I have to be in Topeka by 10:45 to see my Endocrinologist. I get to go back to Topeka Thursday to see my retinal specialist.

We were without power between 8:00 and 11:00 this morning. The electric company had called, emailed and texted me to let me know this was going to happen. I appreciate their efforts to keep me informed of the planned outage. They had promised it would be back on by noon and they beat their promise by an hour. I love companies that do that!

It has only reached the upper 50’s today but the wind is light and it felt warmer then that when I did chicken chores. We have another two days of the mid 50’s and then it is to be in the low 60’s for a bit. Liking this weather! I’m not excited to see cold temperatures head our way. Wish there was a good chance for rain soon but not seeing that in the forecast yet.

Two weeks from today is Thanksgiving. I still have room at my table if anyone is looking for a place to gather for dinner. No need to bring anything and no reservations needed. We are eating at 1:00 and will have plenty of food. I am serving both turkey and ham and all the trimmings.

I keep checking my grocery list for the big dinner day and I think it is complete. I will pick up a turkey next week so it can start thawing and then the Tuesday before Thanksgiving I will go get the rest of the stuff to fix the meal with. I will probably not do it on-line although I may. I don’t like when they don’t have something when I order on-line as sometimes I can find something in person to substitute for the item. I don’t allow them to make substitutes for me though as I don’t know what they might pick.

Things continue to shift inside as a result of watching the boundary class. I am letting things settle in and then I want to watch the class again. Sometimes when I repeat a class, I can pick out nuances that I missed the first time around. This is important stuff to me and I need to make sure I get it as completely as I am able to accept it. Still haven’t decided about taking the full course but will continue to sit with it and decide later.

Trying to come up with Christmas game ideas for our family Christmas Day December 9. I may repeat what I did last year if I can’t find a new one. The kids all enjoy them and they were easy for me to do. With some time and planning, I can come up with better prizes this year then I did last year.

I need to make a list of Christmas goodies that I am going to make and make a grocery list for them. Since we are having Christmas early this year, I will have to get started on them right after Thanksgiving. I don’t plan on making as much stuff this year as I did last year. Most of the kids are trying to eat healthier and if no one eats it, why make it. I certainly won’t eat any of it. I do like making it though.

Sitting in a good spot this afternoon. I love having a clean house and am grateful I am finding the motivation to get this place clean again. I let it go way too long again. I gave up keeping it spotless all the time some time ago. That was requiring way too much of my time and energy that I could have spent in better ways. I think though I have let the pendulum swing too far the other way. Hard for me to find balance in things sometimes.

Grateful the chickens have fresh straw to play with, grateful to have an organized underwear and sock drawer, and grateful for the beauty of this fall day.