It is one of those days where nothing seems easy. Glad they don’t happen very often for me. I have had a headache all day. Kathy has something weird happening with her body too. Maybe it is the new moon? I was restless most of the day yesterday too. Doesn’t feel like my stuff. Working on grounding myself but it hasn’t seemed to help yet. Better days will come.
Kathy and I went into Cottonwood Falls and had a nice long lunch with two dear friends. They lightened my soul. Always fun to spend time with other like-minded people.
After lunch Kathy went with me to pick up Craig and take him to town so he could do some errands. We didn’t get finished with his list as he got tired. He walked quite a bit while he was in Wal-Mart and Staples and it wore him out. He sure is doing better than he did yesterday though. Progress!
It took me three trips to the chicken pen to do chores tonight. Their feed container was empty so had to come back up to the house to get feed. They had dumped over their water container so had to fill it up. All that for only three eggs – the slackers! I don’t think they deserve fresh greens as most are not laying. You need to earn your keep around here.
Kathy and I were talking about surrender this morning. I remembered when I was in Core Star and learned about surrender. I was under the mistaken perception that once you surrender a situation you were done. I have since learned surrender is an action that one must take daily or even hourly. It is a choice you get to make over and over. I still can forget that sometimes when I get too close to a situation. Time for me to zoom back out and surrender a couple of situations I find myself in.
I have to have my car to the garage at 8:00 tomorrow morning so I can get the oil changed. After that is done I will go to Emporia to get the tires rotated. Always feels good to get those tasks done. Have two things I need to drop by Craig’s house on the way home and then I should be able to stay home the rest of the day. I am craving a day or two where I don’t have to leave the house. I have a dear friend coming to spend the day with me Saturday so I will get to stay home for that.
Got my Chase County Property Tax bill today. It went up $300 from last year’s bill. I was expecting it to be higher. My rental properties in Emporia had each gone up more than that. If it wasn’t for house, car and medical insurance and property taxes I sure would have lots more disposal income.
Hard to get through my head I will be in Peru two weeks from today. I haven’t even started making a list of things to take yet. Guess I need to get done with Thanksgiving before I can focus on the trip. Running out of time to run to KC if I think of something I need. No way will I get close to KC the weekend of Thanksgiving. Way too many people out then. I refuse to go close to a store on Black Friday – not even in Emporia. No bargain is worth that to me. Grateful I don’t have stores to watch over that weekend and I no longer have to work at anymore.
Not one of my better days. Finding it hard to find any motivation to do anything. I am tired of sitting but can’t seem to do anything else. I am hungry all the time and can tell I am gaining weight as my pants are starting to get tight. I’ll be so glad when I can get my thyroid levels evened out and all of this is behind me. I’m getting very tired of it all. Hopefully I only have another six weeks or so and I will be done with treatment and they can increase my medication level and get me back to loving life again.
Better days are ahead. At least the sun was out today. There was a beautiful sun set tonight. All is well on the prairie!