Thursday, May 4, 2023

This day had an unexpected turn of events. My alarm went off at 6:30 so I could get up and get to town by 8:00. As I was turning the alarm off on my phone I noticed I had a text. It was from the girl that was to have cleaned my teeth. She was sick today and had to cancel the appointment.

I stayed in bed for a bit but was unable to go back to sleep. I had one of those nights that I was up for a few minutes or longer every hour. Just couldn’t find good sleep again last night.

It felt like the Universe gave me a day off today so I took full advantage and did nothing all day. I even fell asleep in my corner recliner this afternoon. Got better sleep in the hour I napped than I did all night last night.

It sprinkled for about five minutes today but that was all the rain we got. We have a slight chance for some more rain overnight but it doesn’t look too promising. Dang, we need rain badly. The ground crunches when I walk over it to go to my mail box.

Tomorrow Cody has a field day at his school. I am not sure I will go in. Part of it will depend on the weather. It is to be in the low to mid 60’s which isn’t horrible but if it is windy it will be too cold for me.

My Endocrinologist office called today and they decided to increase my thyroid medication after all. They got the report from the Cardiologist and decided to make a change. The pharmacy had to order the new higher dose of Tirosint and will let me know when they get it in. They usually get it the next day so may have to go to town tomorrow and pick that up. I am to have my TSH levels checked in 4 – 6 weeks after I start the new dosage. I hope the higher level of Tirosint helps bring down my TSH. I am tired of being cold most of the time. I have very little energy or motivation to do anything and feel like a lump on a log. And this too shall pass…..

My Uncle Jack turns 90 this month. Kathy got him a silly card and asked me if I wanted to sign it too. I told Uncle Jack now that he is 90 he can consider himself an old man! He is a jokester and will laugh at that. He is the last of my Uncles. Mom still has two sister that are alive and doing well.

My brain feels like it is in slow motion today. Having trouble holding on to a thought. Not a good day to make any decisions or do anything that needs concentration of any sort. Guess I will continue letting it be a do nothing day and trust that tomorrow will be an easier day for me.

Grateful for my Uncle Jack, grateful for an unexpected day at home, and grateful I have the luxury of doing nothing today.

One Reply to “Thursday, May 4, 2023”

  1. Hi Kay! Good to hear that you are getting your Thyroid meds tweaked and a relaxing day now and again can be delightful. I know about low energy levels. My vitamin D levels were found to be less than a third of what they should be this winter. I’m on a vitamin D2 prescription once a week for about 4 months. It has made a huge difference for me with so much more energy and well being. Just wanted to share in case it might help. Loving this spring and looking forward to the rain too!

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