Another night of very little sleep. I don’t think I fell asleep until around 5:30 this morning. I got a phone call at 7:00 so it was a short night of sleep. I did take a short morning nap of about 45 minutes before I went to Topeka.
The guy from yesterday dropped off the bill for the work he did in the yard hauling in gravel and cleaning out the old shop and picking up rocks from the yard. The bill was about what I expected it to be.
I went to Topeka for my Endocrinologist appointment. This time I saw the Nurse Practitioner instead of the doctor. It was almost a waste of time to go but that box is marked off for another six months. I needed a refill of my prescription for thyroid medication and she did that so I guess I accomplished something.
Came home afterwards as I didn’t have anything else I needed to do in Topeka. Tried to take another short nap but didn’t have any luck. I had to be in Emporia for a meeting at 5:30. Got out of the meeting at 7:00 and came home. This was a final meeting of the year for taxes. Not sure it was worth going to town for but check that one off my list too.
I need to take the dogs on another walk for the evening so they will get tired and settle in for the night. They have been a bit restless today and have wanted to go out and chase squirrels all day. When I walked them this morning they both did their business.
It is starting to thunder so may have some weather coming in. We are to get some severe stuff on Saturday. Hoping we get rain but not the wind and hail. Kathy and I may go decorate graves tomorrow afternoon and get that done so we aren’t out in the weather on Saturday. We shall see how the day goes tomorrow. Kathy has to work in the morning and I have exercise tomorrow at 2:00.
I got the paperwork I had mailed to Social Security back today. I had to sign for it. Grateful I decided to mail it as it sped things up by three weeks. Grateful the papers were returned safely.
Hoping to have a quiet holiday weekend at home. So far I don’t have anything on my calendar for the weekend after I finish exercise tomorrow. I’m not sure if I will have exercise on Monday or not. It may get changed to a different day due to the holiday. Looking forward to a couple days at home with nothing pressing to get done.
The tree guy didn’t come today and I haven’t heard from him. Not sure what is going on with him. It may have been too wet yet for him to get his truck in the back yard. Wish he would let me know his plans. Guess it really doesn’t matter as long as he gets the job done – sooner or later.
Haven’t heard from my high school kid that is to help me get the dog kennel here from Emporia and then help me set it up. I am on a list to have a permanent fence built later this summer. That might happen before the kennel gets here at this rate.
My accountant was to have gotten back to me on the amount of estimated tax payments I need to make. I did get an email from her today so I know she is working on it. I am curious what she estimates my additional tax liability will be due to a couple of things going on different this year. I have till June to have to make the first estimate so still have next week to get what I need from her.
Sitting in a good head space tonight, although I am very tired. I have a family situation going on again this week that is in the background. Things tend to come in groups for three so hoping this will be the last one for a bit. We have had our share this month!
Still adjusting to empty space. I have to keep reminding myself to relax into it and give myself permission to allow it to be. I have been so busy the last couple of months that the empty space fills uncomfortable right now. It is allowing me to catch up to myself though and I am starting to slow down a bit. I noticed today my mind was not racing like it has been the last couple of months. Ahhhh…. Funny how stepping out of empty space makes one forget to slow down and breathe and allow that to be the purpose of the day. It is good to be back into having empty space.
Grateful for a safe trip to and from Topeka today, grateful the paperwork I had sent to Social Security arrived back home safely , and grateful for empty space that is allowing me to slow down.