Thursday, May 2, 2024

What a day! I was only able to sleep about four hours last night again. I slept for two hours and then got up and did some things and then got two more hours of sleep. I took a nap this afternoon and got another hour of sleep. One of these nights I am going to crash and sleep a long time.

After my first sleep I got up and managed to hook up the washer and dryer. I was unreasonably proud of myself! I needed to do laundry badly as I was out of pants to wear and necessity drove my need to get out of fear and get that job done. Had a little trouble figuring out how to turn the water on at the valve but figured it out. The washer lines didn’t leak and the dryer vent seemed to do its thing without letting lint escape.

I was on a roll so fired up my computer and managed to get the new internet service going on it and got the printer on-line. Felt good to get that up and running. It even went easy for me today! I almost decided not to do anything else that day so my streak wouldn’t get broken. I emptied out three more boxes and even that went quick and easy.

I am down to only three more boxes to unpack. Got the dining room, laundry room and bathroom box free this morning. Got tired of emptying boxes and didn’t get the last three in the kitchen unloaded.

Kathy and I went to the other house this morning to clean. Unfortunately we filled more boxes with stuff that needed to come here. We got the country house cleaned – kinda. It isn’t as clean as I would like but we are both exhausted and didn’t have it in us to do more.

Kathy left after a bit and went to town to get the dogs. They have been boarded at the Vets and were bathed and groomed. I stayed at the house and did a bit more cleaning. I sat down and had a good cry. It was overdue and felt good. That house was a special place and I am ever so grateful for all the people I met because of that house. I will carry those memories for a long time.

Came home and unloaded my full car of stuff. Kathy brought Roxy home but Sophia wasn’t ready yet so Kathy had to go back this afternoon and get her. After I got my car unloaded I took a one hour nap.

After my nap I went back to the country house to meet two young guys that made stuff go away. They loaded up a pickup and brought the file cabinet that had gotten forgotten along with about 12 more boxes. They delivered all that here and then we went back to the country house.

They filled the back of the pickup to overflowing with stuff that needs to go to the dump. They worked very hard and efficiently and lifted those heavy things like they didn’t weigh anything. They were fun to work with. The dump closes at 5:00 so they are going to take it to the dump tomorrow.

Both of them found things that they took home. I had a mini trampoline and a tower fan that I didn’t have room for. They also found a tire and wheel, a four-way tire thingy, and a hand saw. They also salvaged some totes. It was good to see things go to a different home and not have to be thrown away.

I brought some things that I am going to have to find a different home for. I’ll probably put them on the corner of my yard and make a post and let people come take them away. I do have two lamps that were in the living room of the country house that I need to find a home for. I really liked them but just don’t have a place for them here.

It is going to take me a hot minute or two to get used to two indoor dogs and two cats. Although I haven’t been able to catch my outdoor cat from the country house. She may have decided not to move. I’ll see what happens tomorrow. Sophia is still feeling the effects of the sedation and is throwing up and sleeping lots. Roxy will not go on a walk. Poor things, this is a big change for them too.

The kids went to Wichita today to make Craig’s final arrangements. His service is going to be in Wichita at 11:00 on May 11at the Unity of Wichita church which is located at 2160 N Oliver in Wichita. The kids are planning on hosting a beer Friday reception at a later date in Emporia too. It was a hard day for them but it sounds like they helped each other get through it.

Not sure I am going to attempt to unpack many boxes tonight. It is so discouraging to get a room free of boxes and then make a big mess and load up the rooms with boxes again. I will get to them when I get to them. I am exhausted tonight and am barely holding on.

Tomorrow is pay day. I sign papers at 1:00 tomorrow! Man! This signing feels like it has been a long time coming. It will be a huge relief when it is official. After signing, I will go to exercise and then I need to stop and get some things the house needs. I might even get some real food and fix my first real meal in this house.

Our front porch is full of empty boxes and other stuff we loaded on to it from today. My goal in the morning is to clean all that stuff up and not have this house look like we just moved in. The person that was to have come get the empty boxes changed her mind and didn’t take them away. I will have to take a big load to recycling tomorrow if there is room in the trailer for them.

The good news is that other than exercise three times next week, I don’t have anything on my calendar. I can slow things down, allow myself to let some hard feelings out and finish getting this house put together. It is such a relief to know the other house is empty and no more boxes will be coming in. I have tons of organizing to do and sometime next week I need to get out to the shed and put it in order. All in good time and no rush for any of it.

I may offer myself some grace and take a day or two off and do nothing. My body is asking for a break and my soul needs some breathing space. It has been hard to relax this week but am hoping the closing tomorrow will give me the closure I need and I can relax about that.

This has been one hard week. With Craig’s passing it added a layer of complexity to the week I had not expected. I am about as tired as I remember being but am struggling to relax enough to sleep. Have my fingers crossed that after closing tomorrow I can relax some and figure out a way to give myself a rest day.

All is well. Until I loaded the house up with the last of the boxes it was in relatively good shape here. I already know I will enjoy living here and it will be perfect for Kathy and I until the new house is ready. So much less to care for and clean.

Grateful the country house is empty, grateful the kids were able to make final arrangements to honor Craig today, and grateful that tomorrow is pay day!