Thursday, May 18, 2017

I was at the gym by 7:35 this morning. Increased the weights on most of the machines again. Getting stronger each time I go. No one else was in the gym. They fixed the radio and when I first walked in the DJ was having a conversation with a lady about weight lifting. I thought there was some one else in the gym talking for a bit until I figured out it was the radio.

I drove into Emporia after my shower and breakfast to get more dog food and chicken feed. I went to Bluestem for chicken feed and while there I remembered to get a wrench so I could take the nut off the bolt on my mower so I can clean around the gears. One the workers ask me if he could help me. I told him the 7/16 was too big so I needed the next size smaller. He said they don’t make a 6/16 so I would need a 5/16. He handed it to me and left. That didn’t make sense to me so I looked myself. They make a 3/8 size! Thinking he needs to go back to school and take a math fraction class.

So when I got home I tried both the 3/8 and the 5/16 and they are both too small. What size goes in between 7/16 and 3/8? I used the crescent wrench to get the other side off but this one is too tight and I need better leverage.

Making my list and checking it twice for my trip tomorrow. I am doing laundry and then I need to pack. I had to make sure my critters have what they need before I could pack myself.

My friend that is traveling with us is coming this evening for dinner and she will spend the night here. We will get gone sometime tomorrow morning. We are only driving to Clayton, NM tomorrow which is a six and one half hour drive. No rush to get there. Saturday we will drive into Santa Fe where we will stay until Tuesday morning.

Sounds like I may get some weather this evening. It feels thick outside today and the clouds are starting to build. I am going to have Kathy and my friend park their cars in the big barn for the night in case we get hail.

Nicole had to fly to Dallas yesterday morning for work and she flew back yesterday afternoon. Both flights had been delayed so she had a long day. She was ready to get home and take her shoes off and have a beer. Her landlord was to come by and finish fixing her dishwasher. Next week someone is coming to fix her A/C as it isn’t working. Nice she can call her landlord and he has to pay to have those repairs done.

I managed to get Roxy’s pill down her today. She spit it out three times before she finally took it. She seems to be doing OK running free. I see her napping more than normal which is good.

I need to finish cleaning my house and then I need to pack and I will be ready to go tomorrow. So looking forward to getting away for a few days. I forget to go places sometimes. I haven’t really taken a vacation since I took Tagen to New York last summer.

Storms are brewing. Bags are being packed. Critters food supply is stocked. All is well on the prairie today.