Thursday, May 11, 2017

Made it to the gym yesterday. I did two circuits with 10 reps each at 20 pounds on each machine. I am a bit sore in the arms today but not bad. Just enough I know I worked out but I am able to do what I need to do without pain.

I mowed half the yard last night. I ran out of gas and daylight. Doesn’t look like I will get to mow today as rain is coming in. It was a bit slick in places last night when I was mowing.

I went into Emporia this morning to get gas, chicken feed and a few groceries. I didn’t do a good job with groceries though as I got things I was out of but didn’t get things to fix food for the weekend. I wasn’t hungry and nothing sounded good.

Nothing on my schedule the rest of the day. I do want to ride my stationary bike for an hour but am totally free other than that. I need to get my two lilac bushes planted but the weather isn’t right for that today.

Nicole called this morning. She had left work early as she barely has a voice. She has a very sore throat and is tired. Trusting she isn’t getting the crap I had earlier.

Fed my chickens their noon greens early again today as the rain is moving in. I picked up 10 eggs. I have seven dozen eggs extra right now so if anyone needs some let me know. $3 a dozen.

When I was up during the night I enjoyed the light of the full moon. It was too cloudy in the east to see it rise last night. I love watching the full moon rise. One of my favorite things to do on the prairie.

Quiet day on the prairie today. Cloudy, cool and rainy. All the critters are fed, warm and dry. Nothing pressing to do. Good day to read and rest. All is well!