Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sophia had a restless night so therefore I did too. She wanted out and then in and then out again. Roxy joined the fun at some point. Sometimes I wonder why I have dogs.

I went to Emporia to do taxes this morning. We stayed busy all morning. I handled a couple of returns that usually give me fits but today things seemed to click and I could handle them. That felt good.

After I finished taxes at noon I stopped for lunch and then went to Walmart to get groceries. I had forgotten to take the scooter out of the back of my car so couldn’t get dog food. I ran another short errand and then I got a text that a prescription I needed was ready. I went back to Walmart and picked that up and then came home.

After I put things away and started some laundry I took a nap in my chair. I get to sleep in until 9:30 tomorrow so hoping I can find some good sleep tonight.

Tomorrow I am going to a birthday brunch at 10:30. I enjoy the ladies that will be there so it will be fun. Don’t have any plans after that. Saturday I may go to a memorial service in the afternoon if I can find the energy to go. It will be long and crowded and sometimes I can’t make myself be in a crowd of people.

Next week I am only doing taxes one day so I have a quiet week ahead. I am looking forward to that. I have a couple of things I need to take care of and maybe some quiet days will give me time to do that.

Tomorrow starts the one week boycott of Amazon and all of Amazon’s affiliates. Some of them are Whole Foods, Goodreads, and Zappos. I will not order anything from Amazon for the next seven days. I may cancel my membership and consider alternatives to using Amazon. I hate shopping and it will be a challenge to give up Amazon. These times call for each of us to step up and do things outside our comfort zone. I will have to give it some strong consideration.

Grateful for an easy day doing taxes today, grateful for a nap in my chair this afternoon, and grateful I was able to get my prescription while I was in town without having to make another trip.

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