Thursday, March 1, 2018

Not motivated to do much today.  I didn’t sleep very good again so maybe I just need to go take a nap.  I made myself eat breakfast at 9:00 this morning even though I wasn’t hungry.  I need to eat lunch soon but am not hungry for it either.  I will wait another thirty minutes or so and see if I can get it down.

I don’t think I am getting sick.  When I reduce how much I eat and only eat healthy stuff my appetite tends to decrease significantly.  It would be easy for me to slip into a pattern of not eating enough.  When I do that my weight loss stops as my body thinks I am starving and really slows down my metabolism to protect me.  My metabolism is already going slower than normal and I really don’t want it to go any slower.

I will find out after 5:00 tonight if I have to appear for jury duty tomorrow.   I have a friend and her granddaughter coming to spend the night tomorrow night so trusting I will get out of the court-house fairly early in the day if I have to go.  We are eating out Friday night so I don’t have to fix dinner.  I need to give some thought to what I want to fix for breakfast Saturday morning for them.  I don’t have guest food in the house right now.  I did save some pancake mix and syrup for the grandkids and my friend’s granddaughter likes pancakes and eggs.  I have plenty of eggs right now.  

Need to think of something to do outside today and get out and move my body.  Maybe if I did I would sleep better.  I can always go sort records and pull the ones that I can now discard.  Haven’t made it down to the barn to do that yet.

I subscribed to Amazon Prime for a free thirty day trial to see if I will watch enough videos to make it worth it.  I am disappointed in their selection of movies though.  I may go to Netflix instead.  I am really not a movie person but occasionally I like to watch one while I knit.  I struggle with the whole Hollywood ego thing and how much actors get paid.   Not sure they contribute that much worth to society.  Watching a movie feels like I am endorsing that myth.  Some movies do have an important message in them but most do not.  I particularly do not enjoy the violent crime movies.

Feeling a bit uneasy today for some reason.  That familiar restlessness has returned to visit me.  Doing my best to sit with it and make friends with it.  I will not allow it to drive what I do or don’t do today.  And this too shall pass!

Need to get someone to check out my mower.  Last time I ran it last fall the oil gauge stick was not tight and oil came out.  When I was down in the barn a month ago I tried to start it and I couldn’t get it started.  I’m sure it needs oil but haven’t a clue where I add it.  The mower is under warranty so I can take it in but I need it to run to get it loaded on the trailer.

I am having typing issues today so I will take that as a sign that I am to end this for the day.

Grateful for the bright blue skies today, grateful March is here and Spring is close, and grateful for the fireplace warming up my living room today.