I posted a picture of the third little egg one of my hens gave me. A friend saw it and tagged one of her friends. Her friend posted a link that explains what happens. These little eggs are called fairy eggs. I love that! The link explained something got interrupted during the internal process when the hen was making the egg. Makes sense. It didn’t say if some hens only lay fairy eggs. I wonder though if that is what this hen is doing. I have yet to receive 19 eggs in one day. That should only happen occasionally but it should happen. Time will tell I guess.
I went into Emporia this morning for one last run of groceries. Realized I forgot to check my coffee supply. I don’t drink coffee so forget about that. Due to the distance I decided I would rather be safe than sorry and went into town to get some more. I needed chicken lettuce too. I forgot to get me food for today and tomorrow. I hate when I do that!
The first three guests arrive some time this evening. I think I am ready. I will spend the afternoon going through each room one last time and doing my final dusting. The dusting never seems to last very long even with the A/C on.
Man is it getting hot outside today. Forecast is for it to reach 98 some time this weekend. I am not a big fan of hot weather. It saps the energy out of me very quickly. It becomes a chore to keep all the critters water bowls filled and refreshed.
Last night I stepped outside to call the kittens in for the night. The stars were so pretty but there was lightning all around the horizon. I don’t see that very often as usually when there is lightning there is cloud cover over head. Never did get any rain out of it. Have a chance for some stray thunderstorms this afternoon and into the evening. I would welcome an inch or two of gentle rain.
Only have about 25 – 30 rows to do to finish the first baby blanket. I may get that done yet today. Probably won’t be able to start another one until next week. I have a busy weekend ahead.
After this weekend my calendar is almost empty. So looking forward to some empty space but knowing I need to find something for myself to do over the summer. Working out on a regular schedule is at the top of my list but I need to give myself motivation to do so. If I decide to go to Fiji I know the trip will be much easier if I am in better physical shape. I need to keep reminding myself of that so it can provide the motivation and reason I need to work out. Before I walked the Camino I had spent that summer walking several hours a day. It gave me something to do with an end goal in site.
One thing I don’t like about working out is you are never ever going to be done with doing so. One needs to use it or lose it! That thought overwhelms me some how and I don’t use it as I don’t want to think about doing it for the rest of my life. Silly really but there you go. Maybe if I tell myself I only have to work out until I go to Fiji I can stay with it until then and maybe by the time I get home I will be in such a habit of working out I will want to choose to continue doing so.
Last minute details getting done today. Ready to relax and welcome my guests knowing all is ready for them. It is a beautiful but hot day on the prairie today. All is well!