Thursday, June 14, 2018

This has felt like a long day.  Was awake between 1:00 and 4:00 again this morning.  Finally got a bit more sleep after 4:00 but not good sleep.

Cleaned the guest bedrooms this morning and got them ready for the guests that are arriving tomorrow.  Kathy cleaned the downstairs living room and kitchen.  Tomorrow morning I will clean the upstairs living room and kitchen.  The guests aren’t coming until after 5:30 so have lots of time to get ready for them.  They check out Saturday morning and then three other guests check in Saturday afternoon.

Went to a board meeting at Pioneer Bluffs this afternoon.  We sat in the barn for our meeting today for some reason.  It wasn’t too hot but it was plenty warm.  I had promised myself I would keep my mouth shut but wasn’t able to do so.  I know, no surprise to those of you that know me well!  Trusting I didn’t offend too many but felt what I said needed to be said.  I don’t think serving on a board is something I do very well.  I am not a strategic planner – I am more of a take action and ask forgiveness type of gal.

Didn’t get home from the board meeting until a little before 5:00.  Fixed my dinner and then headed into Emporia to pick up a prescription and go to an informational meeting on Medicare.  I need to get enrolled soon with a prescription plan and a supplement plan.  The meeting tonight was very helpful and I now understand the options better.  I did not know that Plan A deductible can be charged every sixty days and there is no maximum deductible.  Now the premiums for the supplements make more sense to me.  I made an appointment to finalize my choices for next week so I can get this done.  A friend of mine put on the seminar this evening and is going to help me get enrolled next week.  Grateful to know the right person at the right time to help me through this maze.

Have had some pain in my kidney area off and on today.  Thinking my kidneys are protesting about the medication that was put into my system yesterday during the Nuclear Heart Stress Test.  Have been doing my best to drink extra today to help wash that crap through.

Have two bookings for 2019 already!  Made another booking for June today too.  I really need to look at the calendar and plan ahead so I can have time off for me.  My mentor is coming in September and I found out when today so I blocked those dates on the Airbnb calendar so I can get free to go to KC to see him while he is in town.  I am also going to KC on June 23 for a Core Star Reunion so I can see a friend coming in from Florida.  I remembered to block that day too.  Need to decide if I want to get away for a couple of weeks this summer and if so I need to get those days blocked so I can get away.  Had an inquiry about a stay for five nights in August today.  He hasn’t confirmed yet so I still have the option to block some days if I decide soon to do so.  I am thinking of a road trip to see a friend in Chicago and then going on to Maine to see some friends that spend the summer at their lake house in Maine.  Haven’t gotten the urge to take another trip yet but if I don’t decide soon I might not be able to get away.

Didn’t hear back from the Cardiologist about lowering the blood thinner medication dose so guess I will call the prescription in tomorrow and get it refilled at the higher dose.  At least the insurance company gets to pay for this refill.  Got a notification from my Doctor’s office that I had a ghost appointment with the Cardiologist today.  Not sure what that was about and didn’t have time to call them today.  Thinking it might be the time a Cardiologist spent to read the results of the stress test I had done yesterday.  Didn’t hear any results yet but my Cardiologist is out of the office this week.

Only have two more tea towels to go to finish the set I am working on.  I will need to get some more stamped if I want to make another set.  Not sure how many blank tea towels I have left.  Maybe I have enough sets made for a bit anyhow.  They keep my hands busy and I feel like I accomplish something at the end of the day when I finish one or two a day.

Thinking about the different ways people think and go about life.  Reminding myself we all operate on ranges and just because someone has a different range than me doesn’t make either one of us wrong and the other right.  Helps me remove my judgement when I remember that.

Grateful for friends that help me out navigating the maze called Medicare, grateful for lots of bookings coming in for my Airbnb, and grateful for the friends I have made while serving on the board for Pioneer Bluffs.