Thursday, July 6, 2017

I was caught between world’s this morning. I woke up at 7:00 and got up and put on my walking clothes and headed out the door for a walk. Next thing I know it is 9:00 and I am still in bed. I was having a dream that felt like it was real. Not a great start to my day. Once I really got up it was too hot to walk outside.

After my shower I went outside and did chores. That always help me ground myself. I finally figured out what had happened and got myself fully back into this reality. I sure was confused for a while this morning.

Started knitting a baby blanket last night using the new yarn. Not sure I like it yet. It shows the pattern much more clearly than the other yarn did which means if I make one little mistake I need to fix it. The other yarn could hide little mistakes. I didn’t check the pattern and knitted two and one half rows wrong and had to tink (Tink is knit spelled backwards – it means to rip out.) I have 135 stitches per row so that took a bit of time to do. I almost ripped out the first eight rows to completely start over but decided it would be faster to just do the two and one half rows. The yarn is finally playing nice and I have the first of six panels done.

Legend is MIA this morning. His success rate at coming home sooner or later is 100% so will trust that he will come home when he is ready to. The other two dogs are sleeping in the garage. I heard them several times last night. They must have pulled an all-nighter protecting me.

Have done three loads of laundry today. Not much more to do on my day’s to-do list. Since it is too hot to walk outside I will ride my stationary bike for at least an hour or two today. Need to find a book to read while doing so as it helps the time go by faster.

Kathy is headed back to Kansas sometime this weekend. She will be back either Saturday or Sunday. Nicole told me I didn’t need to come to KC until Monday morning so Kathy and I can have a chance to get caught up before I leave for the week. The dogs especially will be happy to see Kathy. They have missed her and Sophia.

Still adding things to my packing list for the trip to Japan. I only plan on taking a carry on bag and my day back pack so thinking I will need to cross some things off my list. Since I am not checking a bag I have to make sure everything I want to take is small enough to fit and pass the security checks for carry on luggage. May need to buy some things in Japan such as shampoo, body wash, etc. Not sure why I think I have to take that stuff when I know I can get it there. I’m not going to a third world place where that stuff is hard to find.

Felt the world’s energy trying to pull me off my center again. This time I was able to recognize it for what it was and not allow it to pull me off center. I get so overwhelmed thinking about the crazy stuff happening in the world right now. If I allow it I can go down in vibration thinking there is nothing I can do about any of it. When I remember to keep my vibration high and remember that is doing something that helps the world I can stay out of the muck pond. My logical brain tries to tell me that is not enough. My heart brain tells me otherwise. I refuse to fall into fear. I lose my power when I do that. Love will win!

It is a beautiful, hot summer day on the prairie. All is well!