Called the insurance company yesterday afternoon and filed the two claims for roof damage on my rental properties. I panicked for a moment as I couldn’t find the insurance policy for one of them. The guy I was talking to so I could file the claim on the first property said he didn’t have record of me having the other property insured with them. I did some digging around and found the policy and called back and filed the second claim. An adjuster is to call me within three days to schedule a time to come look at the roofs and see what they want to do.
The garage door fixer guy is to come out either today or tomorrow and do some adjustments on both garage door openers. Neither are working as well as they should be. I went out to the garage this morning and used the leaf blower and blew the dirt out of the garage. It was looking disgustingly dirty. Still not completely clean but looks much better now.
Nothing on my calendar that I have to get done today. I may try to get the great room downstairs hand-scrubbed. I got the second bedroom and bathroom scrubbed yesterday. I also need to clean my own bedroom and bathroom. I tend to forget those two rooms. My long-term boarder is going home this weekend so I will try to get his room and bathroom detailed cleaned this weekend too. I enjoy having the whole house really clean. Just wished it would stay cleaner longer. I fight a never ending battle with the dust out here on the prairie. Right now the dust is winning.
I am going to KC tomorrow to have lunch with some friends. I have a couple of stops I need to make either before or after lunch. I need to remember to take a cooler so I can get some frozen and refrigerated foods at Costco and Hy-Vee. I have been enjoying the sheep’s cheese I got last time I was at Hy-Vee and want to get some more of it.
Saturday is a concert at Pioneer Bluffs. We are serving a dinner before the concert and I am fixing a bunch of dishes to take to that. I’m glad I booked off the weekend so guests couldn’t come as I will be in the kitchen all morning Saturday fixing food.
It is going to be another hot day on the prairie today. The rain that was forecast for yesterday never happened. You could break an ankle tripping in the deep cracks in my yard. The pond behind my house gets lower each day. I’m surprised they haven’t had to pull the cattle off the pasture yet. Not sure there is much grass left for the cattle to eat.
Ellexia FaceTime me last night and gave me a video tour of the cabin they are staying in while on their vacation in Tennessee. She sure looked happy and like she is having fun. I’m glad the grandkids get to see new parts of the country this year. There is so much to see and do in the USA.
Need to take my car in next week and get the oil changed. The car wash has been turned off due to the drought so they won’t be able to wash my car for me. That is that part I like best about getting my oil changed. Maybe they will still vacuum the inside. I took Roxy to the Vet and have dog hair all over the back seat and trunk area.
Almost have the second set of tea towels done. Doubt if I will get around to stamping two more sets today and getting these two sets pressed and tied. May have to wait until Sunday as I will be busy tomorrow and Saturday.
Still sitting with the restlessness. At least I know what is causing it and am allowing it to be what it is. That is progress for me! Getting up and moving my body and doing some deep cleaning helps keep it manageable for now, at least. The situation that is causing my restlessness should be resolved one way or the other within the next two or three weeks.
Grateful for getting my phone calls made and action started on several issues I need to get done around here, grateful for another bedroom and bathroom deep cleaned, and grateful the grandkids are having a fun vacation.