Thursday, January 9, 2025

I was going to watch Jimmy Carter’s funeral today but didn’t calculate the time difference right. I did watch the speech given by his grandson. It is worth finding and watching if you missed it.

I didn’t do much again today. It still feels like a time that I am to conserve my energy and hibernate.

I did get out late afternoon to deliver my knee scooter to a friend in Council Grove that broke her leg and dislocated her ankle. I fixed a pot roast and made no bake chocolate cookies and took some of the left over white chicken chili to them.

The roads are fairly clear. I could go the speed limit or close to it most of the way. I managed to make it there and back before the snow hit. When I got home I walked the dogs one by one and by the time I was done the snow had lightly started. It is coming down pretty good now.

No plans for tomorrow unless I go to Emporia for exercise at 2:00. It will depend on how much snow we get if I go or not. Not worth risking my life to go.

One day this weekend if the roads are clear I am going back to Council Grove to spend the day with my friend. Her husband has some things he needs to take care of and he doesn’t like to leave his wife alone. It will be a fun day out for me.

I called the vet clinic and asked for an appointment with the only vet I trust at that clinic. He is the one that delivered Sophia eight years ago via C Section. She threw up again when Kathy was walking her and she keeps having spells where it looks like she has ice skates on and her legs wobble all over the place. The other night all four legs twitched for about three minutes and she was out of it afterwards. Something doesn’t feel right with her and I need her checked out. I had taken her in October when she was doing this and was told nothing was wrong with her. I don’t think I believe that.

I’ve had several people let me know they want to do the meditation on January 20 via Zoom at their house. If you are interested in doing so, let me know and I can send you the Zoom link. Gentle Thunder will be guiding us to find our own inner wisdom during this time of great change that is happening. It is time for us to step up and find ways to serve within our communities and help connect people.

Next week looks fairly quiet too. Monday I have exercise and a happy hour to go to. Tuesday I take Sophia to the Vet. Wednesday a friend is coming over so she can finish her end of life care plans. Other than that I will have lots of quiet time.

It has been a good week with lots of down time. It was good to get out today but even better to get back home. I like the energy of winter time as it feels like things slow down and invite me to slow down too. Although I am not being productive by my old standards, it feels like I am dong lots of internal work releasing old habits and beliefs. The coming months are going to be full of distractions and false truths and the clearer I am inside the better I will be able to see things for what they are.

Grateful for a safe trip to and from Council Grove today, grateful to get to see my dear friend and her husband today, and grateful for this quiet respite time.

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