I had to get up early this morning as Belle needed to be at the Vet’s office by 8:00. She is so fat she can’t groom herself and the coat on her back was matted and ugly looking. They had to sedate her so they could shave her. She wasn’t too happy with me this morning when I put her in the crate carrier. I’m glad it isn’t freezing out as she has no fur left. I’m not sure she will trust me enough to come back inside for a day or two. Maybe Roxy, her buddy, will help keep her warm tonight.
When the Vet called to tell me they were done with her treatment she asked me if I had considered putting Belle on a diet. I told the Vet that Belle spends the majority of her time outside and eats dog food more than cat food. The Vet agreed that it would be impossible to ration her food unless I turned Belle into an indoor cat only. Belle would hate that as she rarely comes inside.
I stopped at Walmart this morning after I dropped Belle off and picked up a few more things. They were out of one of the things I needed. I got the prescription that the nurse on Wednesday had screwed up. Grateful that got taken care of.
I made a batch of fudge, chocolate covered peanut butter balls, Ritz cracker treats and dipped some pretzels in chocolate today. It must have been Chocolate Day on the prairie. Good to have those things crossed off my list. Still need to make a few more goodies this evening and tomorrow but it feels like I might be ready for the family Saturday afternoon now.
When I went back to town this afternoon to pick up Belle I stopped and filled the car with gas, got some bourbon to make bourbon slush, stopped at Dollar General to get some distilled water that Walmart was out of, and then picked up another prescription that Walmart had been out of this morning. It was a productive trip to town. I also got some Vodka. I make my own vanilla and needed some more vodka to top off the bottle of vodka/vanilla that I already have made. If I keep the bottle topped off I don’t have to start from scratch making it.
I am running two humidifiers and am finding that my hard water is leaving a white coating on the surrounding area of the humidifiers. I am going to try using distilled water and see if that helps. I have been seeing sparks when I turn a light switch on as the house has been so dry. I am not so stuffed up running the humidifier so they are helping but I don’t like the white coating on the floor.
I’m meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow. That will be a treat for me. It has been a day or two since I have talked to anyone.
The locksmith is to come tomorrow and install the key pad lock on the back door. Trusting he will be able to come and get that done. It has been on my to-do list for over three months. The guttering guy hasn’t let me know when he is coming. It seems like these little projects get dragged out longer than they should.
I was able to eat on plan today for the first time in a long time. I have gained 12 pounds the last three months primarily from stress eating. Time to get back on the wagon and get those 12 pounds off and hopefully 10 more after that. I would like to get back down to what I was a while back. I am finding it hard to stick to my eating plan these days. It feels good to have had one successful day. Maybe tomorrow I can do it again. One day at a time and I will get there.
I have been offering myself extra grace these last three months and allowing myself to do what I needed to do to get through this difficult time. My emotional bandwidth was stretched thin and there were only so many challenges I could handle in a day. Eating on plan didn’t hit my priority list. Trusting it is time to put it back on now that the dust is settling from the divorce.
Grateful Belle got taken care of today, grateful some Christmas treats got made today, and grateful to have had a successful eating day on plan.