Thursday, January 3, 2019

This is a late entry as I am actually writing it early morning on Friday.  Yesterday got busy and I didn’t take the time to write.

My Match guy is here so my time was spent with him.  After a late breakfast I got the house ready for a Pioneer Bluffs Committee meeting that was held at my house in the afternoon.  We had a good meeting and got some plans in place for events that will be held during the first half of 2019.

After the meeting guests left my Match guy and I took a three-mile walk.  We were out walking while the sun set.  The colors were amazing again last night.  It was a bit brisk outside but felt good to get out and walk.  A car drove by while we were walking and stopped to make sure we were OK.  I appreciate the locals doing that.

After our walk we fixed dinner and then started putting a puzzle together.  We spent a quiet evening putting the puzzle together.

It was nice to spend a quiet day at home with him.  We have fun doing nothing together.

Grateful for a long walk yesterday, grateful for a beautiful sunset and grateful for a chance to spend more time with my Match guy.