Thursday, January 2, 2025

Is it really Thursday? Not sure what day I think it should be but it doesn’t feel like a Thursday. Glad we will be getting back to normally scheduled life.

This has been a very productive day after a rather sleepless night. I didn’t have my first sleep until after 5:00 this morning and then it only lasted about an hour. Was awake for another hour or more and then got another hour sleep. Tried one more time and finally got another hour. Dang, I dislike nights like that.

Tagen came over late morning and we went to the courthouse to do title work on the truck. The Treasurer was out to lunch and the office was closed until 1:00. We end to lunch and then came back.

It was opened the second time we went and got the truck registered. Found out what we have to do to switch the title to Tagen later this year.

Tagen followed me to Emporia. We went to Walmart and I got three 44 pound bags of dog food, a container of kitty litter and a big bag of cat food. Tagen lifts those things like they weigh 5 pounds each. I was grateful he was with me when we got to the checkout as the keys that hang off my purse got stuck in the cart and Tagen had to lift everything out of the cart so I could get my purse loose. He loaded everything into my car when we got to the parking lot. Over the next day or two I will get everything carried in the house.

Tagen then followed me to the water department and we got the water switched to his name. Good to get that taken care of today.

I came home and took care of paying a few bills and did some filing. Feel like I am getting caught up on some things. Found out the electric bill for both this house and Tagen’s house is on the same bill. I will have to help Tagen get the electric for his house switched to his name and then I think Tagen is all set to take on all the responsibilities of a renter.

It was nice that it worked out that I could go to lunch with Tagen. I love that man child and we always have good conversations. We ate at the Mexican restaurant in Strong City and the food and service was excellent.

I wrote out the checks to pay my estimated income tax for both federal and state. Ouch! Trusting that the accountant over estimated my payment and I will get some of it back in a couple of months. With the selling of a rental house, transferring a rental house to me personally and selling the county house I owe a lot of taxes this year. Sure wish I could designate how I want the Federal government to use that money. It would hurt less knowing it was going to help people and not support war and corruption.

Due to the water leak my water bill was over $200 this month. Ouch! Trusting now that the leak is fixed that will drop back to its normal $65 range. I hate waste and that bill was water being wasted due to the leak. Wish lines had an alarm on them to let you know there is a leak.

Tomorrow I have to go to Emporia for exercise at 2:00. From the sounds of the weather forecast I better stock up on groceries as I won’t want to get out over the weekend. We are to get ice and then snow. I an a wimp when it comes to driving on slick roads and will cancel plans so I don’t have to. We shall see if I can make it to town on Monday for exercise. I may just move it to Friday next week tomorrow when I go so I don’t have to worry about it.

Saturday morning someone is to come over so I can hopefully help them with a tax issue. Not sure I will be able to but I will do my best. It is almost time for tax season again. Trusting I will be able to make it to the training this year and will be able to pass the tests. Last year I got snowed in and couldn’t make any of the training sessions but did a private one instead.

It is almost time for me to start working on my personal taxes. The forms I need won’t be here until the end of the month but there is lots of prep work I can do until the forms get here. I didn’t have a good year on the rentals as they all needed major work done on them. Sure wish the major expenses were all deductible but most have to be itemized. I will be very grateful when the remaining three properties get sold and I am out of the rental business.

The tree trimming work at Tagen’s house got finished up today so I will be getting a bill for that soon. I think that is the last of the immediate pending projects I had going except for the foundation work that needs done at Michelle’s house. They had told me they probably wouldn’t get to that until spring. I do still need some foundation work done at this house and am on a wait list. Not sure if that can be done in the winter time or not.

Feels good to have had a semi productive day after a rather long string of non productive days. Every once in a while I need to have a day where I can cross several pending projects off my to do list. Today was extra sweet as I didn’t have to add more to the list. Slowly but surely my to do list is getting smaller.

Just remembered I forgot to mail Gene’s Christmas box today. I must get that done tomorrow. It may be February before it gets to him if I don’t get it off this week.

I got brave and cancelled my Apple News subscription. I need to dial back the amount of news I am consuming. I get a news update from two different sources daily that gives me the highlights of the news. If something really important is going on I can always turn on the TV or read a newspaper online. There is little I can do about anything that happens on a national level and if I consume too much of it I can get pulled off center and become unregulated.

Grateful two more things got done to help Tagen become self responsible for his rental house, grateful I had the money to pay my estimated taxes, and grateful I got to have lunch again with Tagen.