Thursday, February 6, 2025

It has been a productive day. Grateful I am feeling better today and had energy to get some things done today.

I was in Emporia by 9:00 this morning to do taxes. Due to a computer glitch there were only two of us instead of three entering taxes today. Grateful two of the clients that signed up didn’t make it in.

I got to see a couple clients from last year. It is fun to reconnect although briefly with them. It feels like greeting old friends.

After I was done with taxes I went to the bank to take care of a banking issue, I filled the car with gas and then I dropped off Tagen and Michelle’s copies of their taxes. Neither one were there when I stopped by. I stopped for lunch and then came home.

When I got home I worked on my own tax prep folder. I was able to find the paper I needed last night. I got my taxes ready to drop off at the accountant’s office next time I am in Emporia. Feels so good to have them done.

After I finished my taxes I got my storage box of files organized and made some new files. It is nice to have my desk organized and cleaned up. I need to find a small box to put the records from 2024 in and put them in the shed. I remember when I did the books for McDonald’s how big of a job it was to clean out files annually. I would have several boxes of records to send to storage. My little pile of records today seems like nothing compared to that.

I had to change the address of my LLC with the Secretary of State. They made me change my password which turned into a ten minute process. They require a minimum password of 12 characters and have to include several requirements. My password manager had trouble finding one that would work. I had to modify it to make it work. Then I had to pay a fee to change the address. It told me the system didn’t accept it. I tried a couple of times and gave up. Ten minutes later I got an email with the fee receipt. Things that make me go WTF!

Had several clients talk about what is happening in DC and wonder where this is all going. I am not allowed to talk politics so I could only listen. I do wonder if what is happening will impact tax refunds. Guess we will all find out sooner or later.

Tomorrow I am going to a friend’s house for lunch. I need a heart to heart conversation and this friend will be perfect for that.

No plans for the weekend. I think I will have two stay at home days but we shall see. Next week I have to go to KC twice for testing to finish up the KU research program. I also have a doctor’s appointment and will do taxes one day. No rest for the weary next week.

I appreciate having a productive day occasionally. I do feel better when I get things done. Now that my big project of getting taxes prepped is done I can turn to some other issues on my to do list that need my attention. I struggle these days to multi-task and have to focus on one thing at a time.

I didn’t read the news today. I needed to take a bit of break again so I can insure I am regulated and be able to hold it. I’m grateful on one level that I didn’t go to Topeka yesterday. I needed to practice good self care and take care of myself. On the other hand I am disappointed I didn’t go as now is the time we need to make our presence and voices heard. I will keep my eye out for the next opportunity to protest.

Grateful my tax prep is done, grateful I found the paper I needed, and grateful for the opportunity to help others do taxes.