Thursday, February 28, 2019

Last night got interesting. After I blogged I started feeling icky. My blood pressure spiked high again. I took a bath to see if that would calm it down and relax me. I felt better for a few minutes and then felt restless and icky. I got out of the bath and got dressed. Took my BP and it was 200/100.

Decided I better go in and have it checked as I was having very mild chest pressure. When I got to the hospital four nurses swarmed over me. They drew blood, started an IV, did an EKG and asked me lots of questions. Thankfully the EKG was normal.

After the nurse got the computer updated they all left my room. A lady came in and did a chest X-RAY and the registration lady came in. After a long wait the doctor came in.

He told me that when you don’t have a thyroid and get the flu it can cause your body to get unbalanced. All the labs were within normal except for the BUN. My potassium was .1 lower than normal. He told me the thyroid medication I take is not as smart as your thyroid is and can’t adjust automatically to a change in my electrolytes that happens when you have the flu. He thinks that within two weeks my body will settle down and things will return to normal. He let me go home shortly afterwards.

My family doctor had changed my BP medication. The ER doctor said my system must be very sensitive and the change in the medication caused a reaction. He said to continue with the new medication for two weeks and if things don’t settle down to go back to my family doctor and see what he wants to do.

I had forgotten when I first got my thyroid out I had huge swings in my heart rate and BP for about two months. I had another episode of the same thing happening in April last year.

I’m glad I went in and even more grateful that it wasn’t anything serious.

I texted the kids after I got to the hospital and they let me have my phone back. Jason ran up to see me. He got there just as I was about to leave. Michelle and Tim both offered to come up if needed. Love my kids!

I slept for five hours straight last night! Wow! I could get used to that quickly. I feel much better today. So far my BP is higher than it has been runnng but not scary high. Trust it will settle down soon.

Today is an empty space type of day. I haven’t really gotten much done yet but that is what empty space days are for. I will bundle up soon and go down and do chores. The sun is on vacation and it is a dreary cloudy day on the prairie. Not looking forward to the snow that is to come Saturday evening and Sunday. I am so looking forward to green grass and spring flowers.

Tomorrow I want to drive over to Manhattan to visit some dear friends. Sounds like the weather will allow me to do that. It will be good to get out and drive through the hills. Saturday morning I have another shift doing taxes and then am free the rest of the weekend.

Grateful everything checked out OK last night, grateful for the love and care my kids show me, and grateful for waking up this morning feeling rested.