I got ready to go to bed and realized I had forgotten to blog last night. I needed to get some sleep so decided to skip a day.
Yesterday I went to Emporia to do taxes. This was a make up day from the day the storm hit. We run with three people doing taxes and when I got there I was the fourth one. I stayed for an hour and didn’t do any taxes. Several people didn’t show up. I decided to go buy groceries and go home.
I had trouble sleeping last night. I had tummy issues that woke me up around 4:00. I wasn’t able to go back to sleep and I hadn’t fallen asleep until around 3:00. It has been a long day.
Today I wasn’t sure I would be able to go to Emporia for another tax shift with my tummy acting up but it finally settled down and I went in. We stayed very busy today as everyone showed up. A couple of them were complicated and took longer than normal. I didn’t get out of there until almost 1:00.
We only have a couple appointments left on our tax schedule. They are starting a stand by list in case we get cancellations.
I came home and took care of some things I needed to do around here. I still have a few more things to do this evening. Betting I go to bed early tonight. It was hard to stay awake all afternoon.
Tomorrow I am going to Council Grove for a lunch with a group of friends. It will be fun to get out and spend time with some dear friends.
Starting to see some signs of spring flowers popping up. Kathy planted lots of spring flowers last fall and we are anxious to see what comes up. I have a bad case of spring fever developing.
Jason had someone come clear his drains today. They discovered the block is in the pipe connected to his that is in the neighbor’s yard. The plumber’s line wasn’t long enough to reach the block. There are no clean out things. They have to dig up part of the line and install clean out things and a T of some sort. Still not sure I understand how that clears the block in the neighbor’s line but what do I know? I wonder if I should contact the neighbor and see if they are blocked up too.
Tagen had a plumber come fix his pipe but he still doesn’t have water in the shower and there is still water in the crawl space. How can a plumber leave a house and not know there isn’t water everywhere? I sent a text to my trusted plumber and he is going to go over tomorrow to see what is going on. Dang I should have called him to start with. Tagen hasn’t had water since the pipe froze the week of the storm.
Water issues sure seem to follow me. Not sure what that is all about but it seems to be a theme in my life.
I don’t have any plans for the weekend. This week has been too busy for my liking and I look forward to having two quiet days at home. I can’t believe it is the end of February all ready. Time seems to have sped up and is going by faster than I can comprehend.
Still haven’t taken much time to read the news. I look at the headlines but haven’t read the stories. Headlines can be so deceiving though. Several of my tax clients talked about their concerns about what is happening. I am not supposed to talk politics so I didn’t encourage them to go too deep.
Grateful my tummy issues go better this morning, grateful for a hint of spring in the air, and grateful plumbing issues eventually get resolved.