Thursday, February 22, 2024

Day three with round three of Covid. Running about a 101 temperature, have a cough and a headache. My eyes get tired very quickly and I am sneezing an ungodly amount of times each day. I have short periods of time where I feel pretty darn good and then I crash and burn for a bit. Still grateful this appears to be a mild case so far. Thinking the worse will be over in another day or two. Another lesson on patience for me. This is a roller coaster ride of sorts – up and down, round and round, where it stops, nobody knows.

My Facebook memories reminded me that it was two years ago this week that I had round one of Covid. That was by far the hardest case I had. It took six to eight weeks to recover from that round and I was very lucky I stayed out of the hospital – it was close. The second round recovery got slowed due to the thyroid reaction. Third time is a charm and it is time for it to go smoothly and quickly this time.

I’m so grateful for the vaccines that help my body fight this off and make each case less severe. Grateful I have the time to stay home and not worry about not being able to do something important.

I didn’t sleep very well last night. I kept waking up coughing. Hard to find a comfortable spot to sleep in. I may take a nap in my chair in a bit. Thinking that might be easier as I seem to cough less when I am sitting up.

Haven’t been able to eat much today. I’ll try some chicken noodle soup in a bit and see it that will go down. Nothing sounds very good and my tummy is a bit nauseous today. Thank heavens the diarrhea has slowed down. Doing my best to drink lots of fluids so I don’t get dehydrated.

Kathy is doing better. She still has brief periods of relapse where her cough comes back and she doesn’t feel good but the good times are now much longer than the hard times. She has lost her sense of smell and taste. That hasn’t happened to me during any of my rounds of Covid. Finger crossed it doesn’t. One good thing about loosing your sense of taste is the Paxlovid doesn’t cause a bad taste in her mouth as she can’t taste anything.

It is another beautiful spring-like day on the prairie today. It is to reach over 60 again. I will go outside and sit for a bit this afternoon and get some fresh air and let the sunshine help heal me. Trying to keep the house open a bit too so the icky germs can escape and leave this house.

We are forecast to reach the low 80’s a couple of days next week, however there is a cold front coming in and the temperature will drop to the high 30’s the next day. Crazy weather these days. Hard to remember it is February with these warmer temperatures.

Feeling a bit humbled with being sick again. Each time it reminds me how I take my health for granted. My body is missing working out. I haven’t had a period of time where I have felt good enough long enough to get a work out in. Hoping that may happen tomorrow but we shall see. I sent a note to the coordinator of the exercise program to let her know I had Covid and wouldn’t be working out for a couple of days at the gym. Hoping I can get back next week but we shall see.

My mower got brought back home yesterday afternoon. It is good to have it all cleaned up and ready to go for mowing season. I have someone interested in buying it. We shall see where that goes. I told them I would need to keep it until much closer to closing date on the sell of the house. If something happens to the closing, I will have to back out of selling the mower.

I have a couple of phone calls I need to make but hate to make them right now. If I start to talk much, I start coughing. None of them are absolutely urgent and all can wait till next week.

My wrapping paper to wrap dishes in came in today so if I should feel like it, I can start packing up things. Not sure the best way to handle somethings as I want to give some stuff away, sell some stuff, and take some stuff. I guess I will figure out a system for it all sooner or later. A bit early to start packing things to take but I can start getting rid of things. Still need to decide if I just want to donate things or try to sell them first.

Grateful I am having at least brief periods of time where I feel better, grateful Kathy continues to heal, and grateful for this beautiful day on the prairie and the fresh air that is coming in the house.