Thursday, February 21, 2019

I have had a productive morning after another night of little sleep.  Went into Emporia this morning and dropped off my taxes with my new accountant.  I liked him.  I knew his dad as his dad was a teacher at my high school.  I didn’t come home with a list of things he needs but he may call me and request something.  He didn’t give me a date when he thought he would have them ready and I forgot to ask.

I then went and got my haircut.  I am trying to let it grow out a bit so he didn’t cut much off.  My hairdresser gave me some styling tips.  We’ll see if I can make it look like the way he made it look.  I do like the softer look but am not used to having this much hair.

Stopped and got a couple of pair of SmartWool socks at the shoe store. I had managed to misplace a couple of socks and two older pair are so stretched out they don’t stay up and need to be thrown away.  It is nice to have my socks replenished with wearable, comfortable socks.

Met a friend for lunch.  Always good to catch up with her.  Saw a dear friend and his wife as we were leaving the restaurant.

Stopped and got some oats and black oil sunflower seeds for the chickens and two bags of dog food at Bluestem.  I will need to put the oats and sunflower seeds in smaller containers.

My last stop was to get a box of bacon from Fanestil’s.  Thursday they sell a ten-pound box of bacon for $25.  What a deal!  I had bought a 1 1/2 pound package at Walmart for $9.98.

Got home and got the bacon put in gallon zip lock bags and in the freezer.  Need to finish cleaning my living room and laundry room this afternoon.  My Match guy will be here around 7:30 tonight so still have time to finish cleaning the house before he gets here.  I put a chicken in the crock pot for dinner and will roast a pan of veggies to go with it.

Nice to have all my errands completed so I can enjoy the weekend.  I do need to check to make sure I have what I need to fix dinner tomorrow night.  I think I have everything I need but I am not sure.  I should have done that before I went to town this morning and I forgot.

It is close to 40 out today.  Feels almost like a spring day!  More rain and snow is headed my way Friday and Saturday.  I am so ready for spring I can hardly stand it.

Nice to have a productive day and cross some things off my to-do list.  This has been a  fairly busy week for me.  I don’t have many empty space type of days on my calendar for a bit.  I have really enjoyed doing taxes.  I wish I could find another similar volunteer job to do.  It does tie me down a bit but they have been very flexible with my schedule and have taken me off some days when I had a conflict.

Sitting with anticipation of my Match guy arriving this evening.  It will be good to see him.  We have a lot of fun when we are together.  We never run out of things to talk about although we can sit in silence at times too.

Grateful for a productive morning of errands run, grateful my Match guy will be here this evening, and grateful my bacon stash is restocked.  I do love bacon in the mornings with my farm fresh eggs.