I am sitting in a hotel room in KC. Just came from having dinner with Nicole and Geoff. I have to be at my last KU research appointment at 9:00 in the morning. It will only be a ten to fifteen minute drive from where I am at.
The test tomorrow is the mental acuity test. Maybe if I tell them when I get there I no longer have a brain they will let me go! It is a three hour test on memory, reaction, and logic. I will come out of it wiped out. This is the third time I have had to do this process.
The good news is I have nothing to win or lose if I do poorly. I will offer myself grace and do what I can and let it go. I doubt that they share if I do better or worse than I did before. I will give it my best and allow that to be enough.
Dinner with Nicole and Geoff was the best part of this trip. It is always a good day when I get to spend time with one of my kids. We had a good meal and great conversation. The drive up today was easy and smooth. I will get a good night’s sleep and be ready to go in the morning.
I got a call at 7:30 this morning to let me know that the tax session for today was canceled. I had guessed that but it was good to get confirmation. We rescheduled the clients we were to have worked with today to a Wednesday in March.
I may make a few stops after the testing tomorrow is over. I may be too wiped out to do so though. I need a new charging cord for my iPad as the one I have is splitting. I need one that the plug in part to the iPad can twist. I also want to get a light to attach above the kitchen sink. I had ordered one on-line but it didn’t work as I wanted it to. I need to see what I am getting so I can get the correct one this time.
I broke my financial fast today and ordered a new iPad. My old one is over six years old and no longer has enough storage to be upgraded. I don’t have big programs on it but the regular operating system now takes up lots of storage. I ordered one that has almost 10 times more storage. Hope it will last a long time. Not sure if Apple designs changes to force one to replace old equipment or if technology keeps changing that much. I use my iPad much more than I use my desktop.
I am meeting a dear friend for dinner tonight when I get home tomorrow afternoon. It will give me a treat on a day that is tiring with the mental test and then the drive home.
No plans for the weekend. I will need a day or two to recover from this little trip. Next week is fairly quiet with only two tax days on my calendar.
I have been in a bit of a funk this week and gradually feel myself coming out of it. Things didn’t feel easy this week and I had little to no motivation to do anything. I am so looking forward to the warmer weather that we are to have next week and getting back outside. It wasn’t good for me to isolate so much this week but with the weather it wasn’t wise to get out.
It is nice to sit in a quiet, warm hotel room and be able to ground and center tonight. I stayed at this hotel last week so it feels safe and comfortable. Sometimes a change of scenery for even one night can help me reset.
Grateful for a safe trip to KC today, grateful to get to have dinner with Nicole and Geoff, and grateful tomorrow will wrap up my exercise research program.