Thursday, December 28, 2017

I didn’t get much sleep last night. It was a busy night around here. The kiddos and I all went to bed in my queen sized bed. Tagen fell right to sleep a little after 8:00. Ellexia had trouble falling asleep and was up until 9:00. At 11:30 I crawled out of my bed and went to lay on the couch in the living room. It was a bit crowded in my own bed.

Ellexia came to the living room around 2:00. She laid on my tummy with me on the couch until she decided to go sleep on the recliner around 2:30. Sophia woke me up at 4:30 as she wanted to go outside. After I let Sophia in at 5:00 I went back to sleep in my own bed with Tagen.

Sophia wanted out again at 6:30 and Ellexia came and got in the big bed to join us at 7:00. We all finally got up at 8:00. Sure doesn’t feel like I got much sleep last night. Tagen slept for 12 hours! I’m jealous.

I fixed Ellexia scrambled eggs and blueberry pancakes and Tagen waffles for breakfast. They are both a bit cranky today so they have been separated for an hour or so. Usually after I separate them they can figure out a way to play nice together again.

Still haven’t been able to get my chicken coop door open.  Tim said he would come out after he gets off work tonight and see if he can get it open for me.  I took a metal water can full of water down and set it outside in their pen.  I can tell by looking in the window their heated water can inside their coop is completely dry.  If I can’t get the door open I may loose my whole flock.  I have a room heater running and facing the door.   Not sure it will do any good but I need to try something.  It is to get above freezing this afternoon so maybe between the heater and the warm up it will open.  The wood swelled when the watering can leaked two days ago.  I can’t see any ice but it may be behind the wood I can see.

It sure was nice to be able to do dishes this morning and not have to go downstairs and wet vac afterwards.  The simple things in life!  I take them for granted sometimes.

I got the results of the blood draw the doctor from MD Anderson wanted done.  My levels have not changed from two months ago.  Thinking she will now recommend I have the radioactive iodine treatment done.  I should know for sure next week when she sends her recommendations out.  I have an appointment with the Endocrinologist in Topeka the first of February so we can discuss it then.  I get to actually see and meet the Doctor in Topeka for the first time when I go back.  Maybe she isn’t as threatened by my getting a second opinion as the nurse practitioner is.

We may go eat at Subway if the kids can decide if we eat there or bring it home.  They can’t agree and I won’t take them until they do.  I may fix Mac and cheese at home.  I forget that kids like to argue and it is normal for them.  So glad I don’t have to listen to it everyday!

Another busy day with kiddos.  Headsets are on and it is briefly quiet on the prairie.  Not holding my breathe that it will last.  All is well on the prairie today!