Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Endocrinologist Oncologist from MD Anderson had her nurse call me yesterday.  The nurse told me the doctor now believes the type of cancer I have is conventional papillary and I do not have the variant.  She had met with the pathologist and reviewed the slides and now agrees with him.  If this is true this is good news for me as it lessens my chance of a reoccurrence.

The doctor is waiting for the results of the blood draw I had today to write her recommendation of treatment options for me.  I probably won’t get that until after the first of the year as my blood tests results will probably not be back before Friday and she leaves for vacation after that.

I ask the nurse about my thyroid medication dose being lower.  She said I needed to send in the results of the labs and they would address that in the recommendations.  I had showed both the nurse and the doctor the results of the labs when I was there.  Guess I will need to figure out how to get them the results on paper.  Why does this seem so complicated?

I didn’t get my fudge made while the sun was still out yesterday.  It is to be sunny Saturday so may have to wait and make it then.

Am cleaning my house today. We are having Christmas at Craig’s house this year but I love a clean house. Have some friends coming by this afternoon so it will be nice to have a clean house for them.

I need to go into Cottonwood Falls to go to the bank and post office this morning. Still am trying to decide what to give for Christmas presents. Running out of time and options.

Enjoying the Winter Solstice today. Taking some time to sit with the darkness and anticipate the return of the light. I did some deep soul work over the last three months and feel cleansed and ready for new things to come in. Need to decide what intentions I want to plant during our ceremony this afternoon. The last two years I have chosen a word for the year. Two years ago it was balance and this year’s word was movement. I have found it helpful to have a word that brings me back to center and helps keep me focused on my priority for myself. Maybe I will get inspired during our ceremony and the right word will present itself.

Slowing things down today. Sitting in gratitude for my many blessings. Knowing all is well!