Thursday, August 6, 2024

Had trouble finding sleep again last night. I had trouble falling asleep and then if I did manage to fall asleep, I would wake up again and couldn’t go back to sleep. Sure makes a long night when that happens.

Went to Emporia for exercise at noon. The 45 minutes went by fairly quickly. I stopped at Walmart afterwards and picked up some groceries and then came home.

Got news that I am closing on the sale of one of the rental houses tomorrow as planned. That is a relief. I have been impressed with my realtor, Angie Blankley. She really worked hard to make this deal happen and offered some compromises that made it work. She restored my faith in her realty company. This is the first time I have worked with Angie and I would definitely work with her again.

I realized today that what was going on with this sale was another test from the universe to see if I was going to stick to the boundaries I had set. I had a habit of caving in and letting others walk over me. I have learned to set my boundary and to allow others to do what they need to do and remember that it isn’t on me what they chose to do. I had forgotten that again! Grateful I stuck to my boundaries and the deal went through. Great reminder for my soul.

Tomorrow I have to go to Emporia again for exercise. I am grateful that starting next week I only have to go twice a week for exercise instead of three. That feels like it opens up another free day for me. In another 13 weeks I will go down to once a week for the last 13 weeks of the program.

While I am in town tomorrow I will go to the Chiropractor after exercise and then go to a bank and invest some funds with the proceeds of the sale of the rental property. I also need to stop by my insurance agent and cancel the insurance on the rental house I sold. I also need to contact my accountant and find out what my tax liability will be due to the sale. Not sure if am looking forward to hearing that number.

I need to find a different property manager for the remaining rental house I have. Anyone know of someone that does a good job? I am very disappointed in the person that has been managing my properties since my business partner retired. I need to cut ties with them and find someone that will do what I am paying them to do.

Since I have decided not to build and will remain in this house long-term, I need to contact an attorney and get this house moved out of the LLC and into my personal name. That will trigger yet another tax event. I don’t think I want to see how much taxes I am going to have to pay this year.

I cleaned out my refrigerator today. Found lots of wasted food. I hate when I allow that to happen. I was doing really good for a bit using what I was buying but got off track the last two weeks. Hoping I can reground and get back with it.

No plans for the weekend. The foundation repair guy is coming Monday to give me an estimate on the cost of repairing the foundation of this house. I don’t envy them that job as the crawlspace in this house is not very big. I’m sure they have seen that problem before and know how to work around it.

I have my annual physical Monday morning. Not sure it is necessary but I will go to it and cross that off my list of things to do. It is time to have my TSH checked again so will have him do that with the other blood work he will order and save me a stick.

Sitting in a better place today after realizing what was up with the back and forth of the sale of the rental house. I needed the reminder that the universe has my back. I get impatient and forget to allow things to unfold in their timing and not mine. One of these days I will get this lesson!

Grateful the closing is proceeding as planned, grateful for a realtor that works hard to make a deal happen, and grateful for another lesson from the universe.