Thursday, August 4, 2022

Good news. My Notary certificate came in today so I am legally a Notary Public now. I can start booking appointments to help people make their end-of-life plans now. Yay! I am still waiting on one more package to come in but it isn’t essential that I have what is in that package.

I did a couple more lessons today in both the Elder Care Class and the Death Doula Class. Neither one were exciting. I did find out I have to take a 20 question multiple choice test for the Elder Care Class when I am done. It is open book though so shouldn’t be a problem. The Death Doula class requires 15 hours of hands-on experience with three different dying patients. My time with my parents counts so I will need to have one more experience before I can “officially” graduate from that class.

Now that my Notary approval has come in, I will contact the four brave people that volunteered to be my guinea pigs and get them on my schedule. I only have to do one for my class but the more practice I can have, the better. I’m hoping to get at least one done before we leave on vacation August 24.

Went to Emporia this morning to deliver some Ritz Cracker peanut butter treats to my grandson. Stopped to get some groceries and a Roku device. I managed to get the device hooked up but haven’t figured out how to watch MSNBC live without the 10 minute thingy. Jim is watching DISH TV tonight so I will work on it some more tomorrow. Grateful I got as far as I did. Sometimes technology is not my friend. Once I figure it out I can call and fire DISH.

Took a nap today and finally feel rested and have a bit of energy tonight. I was wiped out from family day and election night results. The older I get, the longer it takes for me to recharge.

August 11 is the peak of the Persoid Meteor Shower as well as the full moon rising. Not sure if the bright light of the moon will allow good meteor shower viewing. Jim reports the Persoid meteors have already begun.

Nothing on the calendar for tomorrow again so will get a few more lessons read. I have a couple of letters that I want to write and get in the mail so will do those in the morning. I always have cleaning I could do if the urge strikes. Unfortunately the mood doesn’t hit me very often these days. I let my house get dirtier than I ever have before. Once it really starts to bug me I clean it.

For some reason we had a high electric bill for July. We used way more electricity than we had a year ago. We have had a long heat streak so thinking that is the cause. If the bill is high again in August I will call the solar company and ask them to troubleshoot for me.

I want to go to the Senior Center in Chase County tomorrow and see if they will allow me to get on their schedule to do a presentation about Advanced Directives and then come in once a month or so to do one-on-one consultations with their clients. I was waiting for my Notary approval to come in before I went to talk to them.

Grateful my Notary approval came today, grateful I am feeling better this evening, and grateful I was able to get the Roku device hooked up.