Thursday, August 31, 2023

Kathy, Tagen and I watched the full super blue moon rise last night. There was a have on the horizon so we didn’t get to see it until it was already up. As it rose about the haze, it kept getting brighter and brighter. It was beautiful!

I had trouble finding sleep last night. I didn’t fall asleep until after 3:00 this morning and then had to get up at 6:30. I woke up a couple times during my sleeping period. Dang. Why is sleep so hard some nights?

I was aware when I woke up last night that I woke up to change the channel on the dreams I was having. I rarely dream but last night was having some good ones. I didn’t like the way they were going so I would wake myself up to end them. Rinse and repeat two or three times. I was dream channel surfing I guess!

Got the kiddos lunches packed and water bottles filled and they were off to school. The allergy meds are helping Tagen feel better so he was able to go to school and stay all day today.

I took a nap this afternoon to catch some much needed sleep. I feel better this evening.

I fixed a ham and tater tots for dinner but I ate alone. Tagen went to football practice and they were having a team dinner afterwards that I didn’t know about. Michelle isn’t feeling well and Ellexia wasn’t hungry. They missed a good dinner. Have tons of leftovers so will try the same menu another night soon.

I called the insurance adjuster but he was out of the office and didn’t call me back. The Efis supplier is waiting on some information he needs me to get from the insurance adjuster before he can submit his bid. Hoping tomorrow the insurance adjuster will call me back and I can get the information to the Efis guy and he can get me his bid. Nothing will happen Monday as it is a holiday and I only have Tuesday and Wednesday next week to sign contracts. Not hopeful that can happen but maybe there is still a chance.

Some friends are coming over at 7:00 so we can do our Fall Equinox Ceremony. I need this time tonight! It will be good to get grounded and centered and get some support from my friends. We are going to end our ceremony by watching to moon rise tonight and doing some smudging. That usually helps me clear things that I am holding on to that aren’t mind to hold.

I leave for London a week from today. I think I can, I think I can. I think I realized what was holding me back from getting excited about the trip. I will do some releasing of it tonight at our ceremony and hopefully that will help free me up to get excited about the trip. It will be good for me to get away and have some focused “me” time. That has been in short supply lately.

No plans for the weekend. The kiddos don’t have school again until Tuesday so they will be around all weekend. I do need to do a feed haul so will probably try to do that tomorrow. No use waiting to do all the trip preparation stuff next week. Maybe Tagen can go with me and do the heavy lifting.

Tagen has a home football game tomorrow night but since he missed three days of practice this week he won’t get to play. That means I don’t have to go. Yay! Glad he is feeling better and was able to go to practice today. He is enjoying his welding class and seems to be getting the hang of welding rather easily.

Grateful Tagen is feeling better, grateful for a nap today, and grateful for the friends that are coming over tonight for sacred ceremony.