109 on my car thermometer on the way home from Emporia this afternoon. Yikes! It is another hot one out there.
A guy from Manhattan came this morning to give me a bid to replace the Efis with metal siding and to replace the Pella windows with Marvin windows. I liked him and liked his approach to the windows and siding. He usually gives the client an immediate bid but since the house is so big and this will be a big bid, he asked if he could work up some numbers and options and come back next week to present it.
Sounded reasonable to me. He is going to work up a custom look to the front of the house and possibly in a few places in the back. My real estate business partner was concerned I would lose the custom look of the house if I put on metal siding. Metal siding these days has many looks and the guy guaranteed the house would still look like a custom built house.
Another company was to have come this morning to give me a siding bid but they didn’t show up or call to tell me they weren’t coming. Yet another company is to come tonight at 6:00 but am doubtful they will show up either. Siding companies are a dime a dozen and some are not reliable.
The roofing company had the shingles delivered. They had to put them on the roof of the house. I gave them permission for their heavy truck to back up to the front of the house. They left some ruts in the yard. Now the front yard matches the back yard! I am guessing the roofers will be here next week to do the job. That was easy and fast!
The meat locker called me to tell me the beef is ready to be picked up. I am taking half of it to Nicole in KC tomorrow. I will only pick up her half and then I will get my half Saturday. As hot as it is, I don’t want it in the car any longer then it has to be. While I am in KC tomorrow, I will stop and see if I can find some trail pants for my trip in September.
I had a wonderful birthday dinner last night with several girl friends. We went to Union Social and as always, the service and food was excellent. Great food and great company – what more can a girl ask for?
I picked up the two prescriptions that were ready to go this afternoon and picked up a few grocery items so I can make dinner tonight. I am going to make stroganoff. Tagen wasn’t sure he has ever had it before but he likes Alfredo so I think he will like stroganoff. I then got the on-line grocery order loaded into my car and headed home. Too hot to do any other errands.
I need to go down and do the chicken chores when I get done blogging. I have a watermelon to take to them today. I have been creating water puddles for them to play in and cool off when I go down every afternoon. They seem to like the puddle water better then the water in their watering cans. When I dump out the water from their watering cans it is hot! Doing my best to keep the chickens happy and as cool as I can. Haven’t lost one yet but heat is really hard on them. I got 18 eggs yesterday which isn’t bad considering the weather.
Still haven’t heard from the insurance adjuster or the Efis guy. The Pella guy got lost yesterday and wasn’t going to get here until the time I had to leave to go to town for my birthday dinner. He rescheduled and is to come Monday. I would have canceled him altogether but I need a bid from Pella. I have no intention of buying more Pella windows but the insurance adjuster needs a quote from Pella of the cost it will be to replace the 20 doors and windows he is paying for.
I will call both the Efis guy and the insurance adjuster if I haven’t heard from them by tomorrow afternoon. I really want to move this project along and get contracts for the windows and siding signed before I leave September 7. Not sure I can do that but that is my goal.
The window guy said it will take 5 – 8 weeks before the windows will be ready to be installed. They go in before the siding is done. Once the siding is done the roofers will come back and put up the new guttering. Hoping this project can get started in October and be done before the snow flies this winter. We shall see. It may get pushed back until spring, depending on the weather this fall.
Don’t have any weekend plans and not much on my calendar for next week. If I can’t find trail pants tomorrow, I may need to make another trip to KC or Wichita to go shopping. Hoping I find some tomorrow to avoid a second trip to a city next week.
Two weeks from today I leave for London. I fly to Minneapolis and then to London. I will arrive in London on Friday morning at 7:15 am their time. It may be a long day before I can get to check into my room at the hotel. I will have to find something fun to do that day to keep me awake. The actual tour doesn’t begin until Saturday evening so I have two full days in London to see some things not on the tour.
We are to cool down next week. Hoping this has been summer’s last blast. I am ready for fall and cooler temperatures.
Grateful the siding guy came today and I liked him, grateful the shingles got delivered today, and grateful for my friends that treated me to dinner last night.