Thursday, April 4, 2024

I got up early this morning to be ready for the buyer of the TV and stand. They didn’t show up. I sent a message and asked if they were still coming and got no response. Last night the buyer of the chairs didn’t show up. I sent a message and asked if she was still interested. She said she was and would come today to get them. I asked her what time and no response. OK, I am officially done with Facebook Marketplace. Too many flakes and it stresses me out too much.

The buyer told me I could leave what ever I wanted so I might do that. Not sure how to get rid of things otherwise. The TV is too big for me to handle by myself to take to the Salvation Army. The chairs are not heavy but are awkward so I may be leaving those too.

I packed five boxes in my office today. I don’t want to pack the rest of the stuff yet as I might need it the next three weeks. It won’t take long to pack so decided to stop and will pack it up when it gets closer. Felt good to get a few boxes packed of things I am taking though. I hadn’t started doing any of that yet.

Got the internet, electric and gas set up at the house I am moving into set up. I haven’t cancelled the utilities where I am at yet. I want to wait until the last minute to do that just in case the sell doesn’t go through. I will be responsible for utilities at the new house regardless so it felt safe to get those set up.

I ordered some checks with the new address on them. They have to go through some sort of security check as I am having them shipped to this address. Hoping the security check doesn’t take too long and I get them before I move.

The pest guy came and did an inspection for the new buyers of this house. He told me the inside all looked good and he is outside now finishing up his inspection. He told me he would come back in and tell me if he found anything. He is married to the sister of a good friend of mine he told me. Good to know that as it makes me feel like he will be honest with me.

I was going to go to Cottonwood today to pay my property tax but have stayed home in case the lady that wanted the chairs showed up. I should know better than to adjust my plans for something like that. So far, she hasn’t come and I have the feeling she won’t come tonight. I have to go to the new property tomorrow to meet the guy delivering the shed so can stop after that and pay the taxes.

When I go to town tomorrow afternoon for exercise I need to stop and get meat and cheese for our eclipse adventure. We are packing our lunch for Monday and my part of the lunch is the meat and cheese. I will freeze the meat and that way it will stay cold for Monday. The other ladies are bringing fruit, veggies, bread, and dessert. It will be fun to get out of town for a night and have an adventure. Sounds like it might be cloudy that day in Oklahoma but we will have fun regardless.

Had trouble finding sleep again last night. I fell asleep in my corner chair early afternoon and found an hour or two of sleep. I will take it whenever I can find it these days. Finally feeling rested this afternoon and I have some energy to do something. Now I need to decide what I want to do. I have some packing I can do downstairs that I will probably go take care of.

I will need to stop at McDonald’s and get some more fry boxes soon. I still have some to use but I don’t think I have enough to pack everything. I hate to run low on them as that makes packing harder. I also need to load my car up with the boxes I have ready to go to the Salvation Army. I don’t want to get boxes mixed up and donate things I want to keep and move things I want to donate.

Feeling a bit restless and unsettled today. There are a couple of situations going on in my background that are concerning me. I’m sure all will work out OK. Nothing I can do about any of it so will be good practice for me to be an observer and watch how it plays out. The fixer in me wants to jump in but I need to break that habit and stay out of things. I feel the pressure rising at times to do something and have to breathe and remind myself it isn’t my garden to tend to. I’m grateful I have learned about boundaries and what is mine to carry. I think I will always have the tendency to give too much but at least now I can stop myself most times.

Grateful for this beautiful spring like day on the prairie, grateful the first boxes are packed for the move, and grateful some things got crossed off my to-do list today.