Thursday, April 18, 2024

I couldn’t fall asleep last night. I took too long of a nap yesterday afternoon. I gave up at 4:00 and got up. Did some badly needed housecleaning as quietly as possible. Jason and Kathy were still sleeping.

I thought I would be able to go back to sleep this morning but that didn’t happen. I got things ready for lunch and did a bit of packing. I got two more boxes filled up and ready to go.

My guests didn’t come for lunch. I had misunderstood which week they are to come. They will come next Thursday! Me bad! Oh well, what I fixed we will eat and it will stay good for several days. No foul, no harm. And my house kinda got clean.

I fell asleep in my chair around noon and slept for about an hour. I had set my alarm but I was up way before it went off. Maybe tonight I will be able to sleep and catch up on my sleep a bit. I get to stay home tomorrow and have nothing on my calendar.

Went to Emporia this afternoon and did my 46 minutes of exercise. Came home afterwards as I had taken care of my errands earlier in the week.

Man the weather did a 360 today. It is downright cold out today after reaching the 80’s yesterday. The wind is back too. Dang it anyways. We got a few sprinkles but not enough to clean the cobwebs out of the rain gauge. We sure need rain but the forecast isn’t promising for that.

I got the bid for the central air at the house we are moving to. It was just a little higher than I had hoped it would be. I accepted the bid and they will come a week from tomorrow to install it. That is fast service! I trust this company and know they will do a good job.

I got the bill for the guttering job that was done last month. This is the final bill that I will submit to the insurance company for all the hail damage that was done last August. Hoping they will pay me in time that I won’t have to pay out of my savings and then pay myself back when the money comes in. Good to have that project wrapped up and done with. The hail damage happened on August 13, 2023 so this has gone on long enough.

Tomorrow I get to stay home all day. It is a badly needed day. I’m still not used to having to go to town at least three times a week and am finding myself exhausted at the end of the week. Not sure what I will try to get done. I have a few more areas I can pack up early and there is some more housecleaning that needs done.

Saturday the big riding mower is going to its new home. If the weather cooperates I may try to mow either tomorrow or Saturday morning before the mower leaves. The dandelion puffs are tall and make it look like I haven’t mowed. I won’t have to do the whole yard as we didn’t get enough rain to make the grass grow much. It will be my last mowing job at this house. Not thinking it will be bittersweet! I enjoy mowing but enough is enough.

Feeling a bit ungrounded today. Most of it is because I didn’t sleep last night but feeling some dark feelings surfacing. I will allow them to tell me what they have to say and will do my best to honor them and then they will pass. This week has been busy and I have lots of moving pieces going on right now. Lots of emotion surfacing with this big move and upcoming life change. I’m ready to get started on the rest of my life when this move is complete. It has consumed me these last couple of months.

Grateful I get a stay at home day tomorrow, grateful the hail damage project is complete, and grateful that I now know how to allow hard feelings to rise and be and know they will pass.