Thursday, April 12, 2018

Had a nice visit with a friend from Wichita who came up and spent the day with me. We had lunch together and then I did a healing on her.  Always nice to spend time with someone whom you can have a deep conversation with.

Another windy day on the prairie.  It is over 80 and still climbing this afternoon.  Possibility of strong storms coming through tomorrow afternoon and it is to be 38 for the high on Saturday.  No wonder the trees are confused about budding out.  I unplugged the heat lamp in the chicken coop but left it down there so I can plug it back in for Saturday.  One day soon I hope to be able to remove it and not have the water freeze overnight.

Found out the volunteer job I was going to do Sunday at Pioneer Bluffs is no longer needed as they cancelled the event.  Now I get to go to Art Day at Prairie Past Times.  Love how that worked out.

Nothing on my calendar for tomorrow and Saturday.  May try to get some housecleaning done.  Noticed this morning my bedroom and bathroom need a good cleaning.

Called a locksmith this morning to order door knobs that can be locked for the two Airbnb bedroom doors.  The knobs on their now do not have a lock on them.  Somehow it felt necessary that they lock with the change from a Retreat Center to Airbnb.  I don’t lock the outside doors but city folks like to lock their bedroom doors.  Trusting I will remember to recapture keys when guests leave.  Not sure when the locks will get installed as the locksmith had to order the parts.

The dust is getting thick in my house today as windows and doors are open.  Feels so good to get the house aired out from the stall winter air inside.  Need to make peace with the dust and allow it to be.  Hard to get motivated to clean when the dust blows in so fast.  Maybe we will get some rain tomorrow and settle the dust down for a day or two.

Thought about mowing today but the grass just isn’t long enough yet.  I don’t like mowing when I can’t tell where I have mowed.  Seems like a waste of gas.  I picked up bones and dog toys out of part of the yard yesterday and need to do the other half  before I can mow.  Thankfully now that the dogs are contained they don’t drag so many bones into the yard.

Finding myself with lots of empty space again.  Haven’t gotten my old restlessness feeling so far.  Not sure what I do with myself during the day but time seems to pass and I don’t get bored.  Don’t feel too productive most of the time but guess there is no requirement that says I need to be productive.  Looking forward to being able to add in physical exercise soon.  My body is starting to tell me to move which is a good thing.

Grateful for a good conversation with a friend today, grateful for fresh air blowing through the house today, and grateful I can relax into my empty space and tap into my inner peace and contentment without doing anything.